She's back

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*1 month later *

"Stop moving vianna." I said brushing her hair.
"It hurts mommy." she complained as I put a booby pin in her hair.
"Finished." I said as she smiled & jumped off the bed & went to play with the other pack kids.
"Hey baby." River said as I smiled at him. He walked over to the cribs were the babies were.
"Annalise is just staring confused." he chuckled as I laughed.
"And Austin?" I asked.
"His sleeping." he chuckled as I smiled. Finally our family was complete. River walked over to me & kissed my cheek & neck & lips. I missed his touch & kisses.
"River the babies are in here." I said pulling away as he laughed.
"Right." he said.
"I'll be back I have to go on a meeting right now I'll be back." he said as I nodded & kissed his lips.
"Be careful baby." I said.
"I will." he said kissing my lips once more & kissing the babies forehead and then walking out.
"Let's take you a bath." I said to Annalise. She just put her hand inside her mouth as I laughed at her gesture.
"We only have a few months!" Noah argued as I was quickly loosing my temper , we were currently discussing how rouges we're finding out territory more & more frequently & how to protect our families , Noah thinks it's a good Idea to have people stand out & watch for rouges but many of us have families & I would hate to put them in danger like these epically if they have little ones.
"Noah ! , enough with all this none sense alright , no one will stand outside in the dark all night watching for rouges plus they only come often & when they do we know how to take care of them ! " I argued as he just kept quiet & shot daggers at me with his eyes.
"Okay now that you boys are done arguing , lets get down to another serious matter involving the disappearance of Jennifer & El Diablo in other words Stefan." Andy one of the pack members said.
"Jennifer was spotted a few days ago at a gasoline station near by." He said passing me a file.
"How long ago ?" I asked.
"About 3 maybe 4." he said unsure.
"Hmm." I said opening the file which contained 3 pictures of Jennifer walking in and out of the gasoline station.
"What's wrong ?" A few of the members asked.
"This gasoline station is really close to the pack house , now I know Jennifer she's a whore but clever , if she didn't wanna get caught then why would she go to a gasoline station close to the one place she knows are looking for her?" I asked them as they each looked at each other confused.
"Something isn't right." Noah said running a hand through his blond hair.
"We need to keep close-" I was interrupted by someone knocking on the door.
"Who?" I called out my voice firm.
"Silvia." one of the pack members helper.
"Come in. " I said as the door opened.
"Sir Penelope has requested to go out with the kids for a while shall I let the guards unlock the gates?" She asked.
"No." I said looking down at the pictures worried for my children & wife.
"But sir Penelope-" I cut her off. "I will speak with her afterwards just tell her I'll be out in a bit to discuss it with her. You are dismissed." I said as she nodded & walked out.
"Your stressed aren't you son ? " My dad asked as I sighed.
"You have no idea." I said as all of us chuckled.
"Now shall we continue." my father said as we all got back to the topic , but I still couldn't get over why Jennifer would do such a reckless thing knowing damn well she would get caught & killed by my own two hands.
"How could he not let me & the kids go out ! " I almost practically yelled.
"Calm down penny." Silvia said as she changed austins diaper as I got his bottle ready.
"Ugh it just frustrates me I can take care of myself too & he knows that damn well I can take care of myself & especially of it comes to my children." I said annoyed by River.
"Look his just worried & being a protective alpha I mean penny the mans showing that he cares & is worried for your kids & your safety don't argue with him on these in other occasions I would support you , but in this one he has a point 2 of our pack members when missing the day the rouges came out of the nowhere." she said as I sighed in defeat there was no point in arguing it would be stupid I mean I know his protecting us & everything but I wanna go out with my kids , not keep them as prisoners. I was cut off of my thoughts by Austin crying.
"Shh shh shh don't cry baby mommies got you." I said carrying him & sitting down on the couch feeding him as vianna ran inside as fast as she could followed by other little girls.
"Hey baby what are you up to ? " I asked as abel drifted off to sleep.
"Playing with the girls." she said as she got out her playbox that contained playdoh & other things of playdoh.
"Hey you." a little boy said.
"What do you want now logan." vianna said annoyed as she put the playdoh on the table of the living room.
"Ugh leave her alone Logan , your an annoying brat." Ashely one of viannas friends said.
"Kids be nice , don't be rude & Logan what is it you want with my daughter ?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"He likes her." Ashely said smirking as I chuckled.
"Awe how cute but unfortunately Logan she's too younge to date & so are you." I said smiling at him as he blushed. I glanced over at vianna & she was blushing.
"I'll see you around vin." he said as she gave him a smile & nodded.
"Girls I think it's getting late why don't you girls head home." I said as they nodded & smiled & said there goodbyes.
"Baby can you help me with Austin?" I asked as she nodded and walked with me upstairs.
I laid Abel in his crib when I said vianna looking at her hands as she sat on my bed. she looked as if she were in deep thought.
"Vianna baby what's wrong?" I asked sitting next to her.
"Mommy I did something strange today." she said looking confused as I nodded for her to go on.
"Well Natalie the daughter of district pack 3 alphas daughter." she said.
"You mean alpha Jon's daughter." I said as she nodded.
"Yea , well she got me mad & I just looked at her & she started choking." she said scared as my mouth flew open but I quickly closed it.
"Baby when you get mad do you move things or do things that you wanna do but don't mean to ?" I asked as she nodded.
"Mommy I'm sleepy." she said as I laid her in my bed & as soon as I laid her down she fell asleep. I walked over to my bathroom & started running a shower I needed to relax for a while. I sighed as I took off my clothes I wished me & river weren't so stubborn just yesterday we argued about Vianna being the next alpha , I mean she's only 5 how can he be sure of her being the next alpha. I went in the bath & relaxed I started to wash my body when I felt two masculine arms cuff my breast I moaned knowing oh too well who it was.
"I didn't hear you come in." I said as he chuckled by my ear.
"Well I just had too see my mate." he said kissing my mark making me wet between my thighs already.
"River." I moaned as he started to kiss down my body as the water was hitting our skins I was moaning like crazy god I missed Rivers touch , my clit then started aching for him.
"Say my name baby." River said as he stuck his fingers inside me as I moaned.
"River !" I yelled in pure pleasure. He started pumping his fingers in to me as I grabbed on to his back & he crushed his lips on me still having his fingers inside me & his fingers hit my sweet spot.
"River I'm gonna cum." I said breathlessly.
"Not yet baby." he said against my lips as I roughly bit on his bottom lip. ugh I was so close to my climax I don't know if I can hold it.
"River baby p-please." I said anxiously.
"Now baby come." he said as I came all over his fingers and it dripped down to my thighs as River went down and licked all of my cum as I moaned.
"Okay now I actually need a shower." I said as he chuckled. I was done showering while River was still showering I changed into some jeans & a plain white shirt I was brushing my hair when I heard Annalise start to cry I walked out of my room and walked over to her crib & picked her up.
"Hey baby it's okay mommies here." I said looking over at Vianna still asleep and Austin as well. I walked down to the kitchen to make her a bottle. Then I saw the pack running in.
"Hey ! " I said calling there attention.
"What's going on." I said.
"Jennifer , she's here." Mason said as I was shocked.
"What." I said my sister Bianca came & took Annalise from me.
"Get her , the bottle & fed her please." I said as she nodded.
"Get her now ! , don't let her escape I want her alive & when you get her tie her up." I demanded in my Luna voice as they quickly did what I asked. River came down stairs as I was looking out the window.
"What's going on ?" He asked.
"She's here." I said still looking out the window.
"Who ?" He asked confused.
"Jennifer." I said coldly.
"What !" He said angry.
"I already sent an order out." I said as he looked at me shocked.
"What ?" I asked as I glanced at him.
"Wow someone really wants to kill her." he said amused.
"Oh not kill her baby , I want to get the truth out of her." I said as he looked confused.
"You'll find out soon." I said pecking his lips. Just wait till I get my hands on you Jennifer.

Well this was proably my longest chapter ever 😂👌, but I'm happy with it 😌💕 anyways if you want longer chapters comment below.
Thank you guys for being such wonderful readers. 😍
I love my dinosaur's a lot 💘 , yall are lyfe , duh 👌💖
A picture of Penelope & Annalise on the side 💕😘
Anyways follow me on ig @jocelyn.tesfayeexo
Kik me @ _xoxojocyboo.
(Add the dot after boo)
Anyways till next time lovelys 💋
Stay beautiful 💜

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