Just A While

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"Your so beautiful." River said licking my freshly new mark as I was trying to get over the most amazing organsm. My legs were even shacking like crazy.

"Thank you." I said breathless. I turned around and faced him. I started to kiss his lips at first it was caring but then it turned rough but them my princesses started to cry we pulled apart and I got up and put on my bra and underwear and rob and went into Viannas room.

"Hey baby don't cry." I said carrying her as River brought me her bottle. I stuck it into her mouth as she stared at me and River. I felt two arms wrap around my waist and I looked up and saw River looking at her with love and care I just smiled an looked back down. Vianna finally stopped crying but she didn't fall asleep so I took her downstairs instead and placed her on the couch since she was 9 months she could kinda sit. Then my phone started to ring.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey sweetie." My mom said.

"Hey so what's up mom?" I asked as River walked in without a shirt I bit my bottom lip as he smirked I rolled my eyes and turned back to the pancakes.

"I was wondering if you could let me take care of Vianna for the whole week you know me and your father haven't spent time with our granddaughter?" She asked.

"I don't know mom." I said unsure as River looked confused.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Ok course I am plus you can just leave some of her stuff at my house baby." My mom said.

"Okay." I said unsure.

"Bye baby.' She said.

"By mom." I said smiling.

"What was that about?' River asked pinning me up to a wall.

"How many times have we've been in this position?" I teased.

"About three hundred times." He said smiling as I laughed.

"My mom and dad wanted to take care of Vianna for a week." I said and his smile faded.

"Pennybaby I don't want her gone for a week." He said sadly.

"Me either but my mom hasn't spent time with her and plus we are having a pack meeting today." I reminded him.

"I would never forget." He said nuzzling my neck.

"Ah stop it." I laughed as I continued to make pancakes. I heard laughter from the living room. I smiled my life is finally on track I can finally be normal and I feel save and sound with him and my baby.

"Foods ready!" I yelled from the dining room. River came in on all fours chasing Vianna as she came running so cute I picked her up as she fussed to be put down until River got up. I placed her on her highchair as River kissed my lips. I smiled and placed food infront of him and he smacked my ass as I was walking back to my chair. I hit his head and Vianna laughed.

"What was that for?" He pouted.

"For smacking my ass, you ass." I smiled as he just ate his food I started to feed me and Vianna.

"Did you do all this when you and me weren't together?" He asked embarrassed.

"Yes." I said to him.

"Really?" He asked ashamed.

"But your here now so it dosent matter anymore." I reassured.

"I just wish I wasn't such an ass." He chuckled as I giggled we finally finished eating. I decided to finally go change and finally change Vianna. I went upstairs and changed her into a blue tank top that had a cute baby zebra on the side and some cute zebra tights with cute zebra sandals. I changed into some skinny jeans and a cheetah print front zip crop top with my cheetah print sandals and my knot bun. I walked down the steps and Rivers jaw dropped.

"Penelope." He said huskily.

"We'll I'm off to drop Vianna of at my parents and Eva and Adam are coming over for dinner so we can get to know them better." I said as he nodded.

"Okay ill clean up here." He said kissing my lips and kissing Viannas head. I got in my car and drove to my parents I knocked on there door and saw my mom smiling.

"Hey mom." I said as I hugged her carful with my baby girl.

"Hey baby, Bianca Penelope is here!" My mom yelled out. I heard footsteps and then I saw my sister an handed Vianna to my mom. She ran over and hugged me I hugged her back.

"I've missed you so much." I said between tears.

"Me too." She said as I wiped her tears and mine and we laughed.

"My two girls well here you go Bianca you wanted to carry Vianna as soon as she came." My mom laughed as I kissed Vianna and Bianca's cheeks. I walked in the kitchen an saw my dad and mason fighting over a piece if bacon god I miss my family. I cleared my throat and arched an eyebrow at them and folded my arms over my chest.

"Penny!" Mason yelled and ran over and hugged me and spun me around.

"Hey Mas I missed you too." I said hugging him.

"Me too god your still thin." He said

"And half naked ." My dad said as I smiled big at him and hugged but being carful were he had to get surgery all because of Andrews fault.

"Anyways I would love to stay but I have to get going me and River will be coming over tomorrow for breakfast." I said as I kissed both there cheeks I have a habit of kissing my family on the cheek have y'all notice that but hey don't judge. I waved goodbye and got in my car an saw a strange car follow me I turned the corner and it disappeared like it was never there?

/Unknown POV\

I headed back to headquarters to tell Mitch that I saw her walking but she drove off somewhere and I lost her I'm going to get shit for that. I knocked on his office door.

"Come in!" He yelled out. I walked in and looked at my feet.

"Did you find him?" He asked.

"More like a her." I said looking at him straight in his eyes. The fire burning in them and then a smile a devilish one to be exact.

"What are you all smily about?" I asked cautiously.

"Just knowing that our little 'present' is a female makes it a whole lot better for us and a whole lot worse for the pathetic alpha." He snickerd.

"Now leave and find her!" He yelled at me as I squired to the truck.

Sorry you guys if its short but hey I have this book all planned out so don't judge and please follow me and vote and comment no bad opinions and don't be afraid to message me or to write on my message board. :)


The Alphas Baby (undergoing major editing)Where stories live. Discover now