Save Me

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(6weeks later)
We've been searching all our lands for those bastards and nothing right now I'm in the phone with mason because he and some boys went out to look for Joshua and Jennifer while I track down that bastard el diablo
"We have no signs if them sir there was a trail but it went dead a few miles back." he said as I sighed out in frustration
"Keep looking." I demanded as he firmly said yes. I hung up and went to check on Vianna and see how's she doing.
She currently with my sister Cece who came over a few weeks ago to help me out.
"Hello." I said as I saw Vianna she happily crawled towards me I picked her up smiling.
"Anything?" she asked.
"No there has been no signs about....
"I'm talking about Penelope." she said as I nodded a no I've missed her so much how could I not know she was pregnant but that's in the past now.
"Imma go check on her you should spend time with Vianna you've been in that damn office for the past weeks." she said as I playfully rolled my eyes and nodded.
I could hear the loud beeping and it hurt to open my eyes and my throat burned. I sat up and immediately a nurse came in.
"Ma'm you have to lay down it isn't good for your baby." she said a so looked at her confused
"What baby?" I asked but my voice sounded very weak and dry.
"Mam your pregnant." she said handing me a cup of water she placed it to my lips and I drank it slowly loving the way it felt going down my throat.
"Ill be back ma'm the doctor will explain everything." she said. I nodded and laid down. The doctor came in a few minutes later.
"Hello Penelope how have you been?" he asked while looking thought his clip board. Im literally going to kill him for asking! really I've been out for what seems like yesterday but it was actually Im guessing 2 weeks!
"Well I really don't know I've been asleep for what 2 fucking weeks-
"6." He said
"What!?" I asked.
"6 weeks." he said as my jaw dropped.
"How am I pregnant?!" I asked.
"Well when you have intercourse with another-
"That's not what I fucking mean you dumb piece of shit!" I yelled as I felt my throat burn hard.
"Ah!" I yelled out In pain. A girl came running in she was very beautiful black long hair that feel to her hips like mine and electric blue eyes nice pale skin.
"Who the fuck are you?!" I asked confused.
"Wow river was right you are fiesty." she smirked.
"Is that suppose to be funny bitch!" I yelled.
"Hey calm down you aren't authorized to be entered inhere yet!" the doctor yelled. Wow he actually has balls to yell at someone.
"Who is she?!" I asked frustrated.
"She's -
"I'm Cecilia your mates sister." She said.
"Oh." is all I could say. soon my mate walked in and immadeatly my wolf wanted his.
"Penny your awake." he said happily as he hugged me lightly.
"Um do you know that your....
"Pregnant yeah I barely found out." I said as he passed me Vianna.
"How you holding up?" he asked
"Good just in pain but I'm managing." I said with a little smile as he chuckled that sexy laugh of his .
"I missed you pennybaby." he said while stroking my cheek and just that touch got me wanting him now.
'I can feel your arousel hun.' River said through our mind link as I blushed.
"We'll Cece this is my mate and-
"Yeah we already meet." I said annoyed. yeah this bitch has my bad side already.
"Oh." is all he said as I rolled my eyes.
"Can I get out of here now I think six weeks is long enough." I said annoyed.
"Of course well just bring you some clothes and you'll be right out." the doctor said as I nodded and smiled.
"Cece go get her some comfortable clothes and take vinny with you." river said as she rolled her eyes and walked out and I smirked.
"What happened between you and her?" he asked.
"We'll long story short she came in here thinking she was a bad bitch but I should her." I smirked as he kissed me by surprise our tounges we're dancing in each other's mouths and his hand was wrapped around my waist pulling me towards toward his hot body as I started to moan in his mouth someone cleared there throat making us pull apart.
"Here I bought you some clothes." she said annoyed as I smiled.
"Thank you." I said bitchy
"Cece just go please." he said as she stared at me long and hard with Anger and finally walked out. I got up and started putting on my clothes I was wearing some black jeans a white undershirt and a red hoodie with my red toms and I put my hair in a high ponytail.
"Ok we'll imma go eat." I said as river wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my delicate arms around his neck.
"But I barely got you back baby." he whispered in my ear sexily as I moaned a little.
"River stop." I laughed as he chuckled and I kissed his lips and we made out for I'm guessing forever. I pulled away and smirked.
"We'll imma go eat love I'll see you later." I said pecking his lips one more time. he groaned as I giggled we went our separate ways. As I was walking down the steps I could hear talking and it was Cecilia on the phone with someone. I went behind the big wall and listened in.
"Of course his worried about her, he loves her." she said irritated.
"What no not yet." she said
"I will and painfully too." she laughed bitterly.
"Ok bye love you too." she said after hanging up and I ran to the kitchen bumping into someone.
"Ahh bitch." I said holding my head.
"Yeah love you too." Bianca said.
"Bee!" I said hugging her.
"Hey why were you running?" she asked I had to make up lie I don't wanna tell her and have karma bite me in the ass later.
"I was starving." I said quickly smiling.
"Liar." she said under her breath.
"Yeah I can still hear you." I said as we both laughed.
"Anyways I just came to see if your ok and since you are I have to go with Devon." she winked.
"Wait y'all are together?" I asked surprised.
"Yup." she said smiling big.
"Someone's happy." I said teasing her.
"Shut up." she said blushing.
"Ok go go." I said as she laughed and gave me a quick hug. I went into the kitchen and got a coffee mug and made my way towards the couch were I saw vianna all by herself on the floor playing with blocks.
"Hey baby." I said putting my mug down and picking her up.
"Mama." she said as my mouth dropped.
"You just.....Awww!" I said happily kissing her cheeks.
"River!" I yelled. no response.
"River!?" I kept yelling going up the stairs holding vinny close to me as she played with my hoodie strings.
"Hello?" I asked opening rivers office and surprisingly he was there note the sarcasm.
"Penny hey." he said.
"I was calling your name." I said.
"Oh I'm sorry baby I've just been doing paper work and things for the pack and looking for them." he said them so bitterly.
"Baby bitterness is something you should never have." I said going over and pecking his lips.
"Daddy." Vianna said as we both smiled.
"Come on baby let's go eat." I said as River got up.
"How about we take a family trip to Galveston just get away for a bit?" he suggested.
"Mmm that sounds nice when are we leaving?" I asked.
"Tomorrow morning." he said.
"Well imma go take a nap with vianna." I said as he kissed our foreheads. I laid vianna on the bed and took off my hoodie and shoes and laid down next to her with a pillow on the other side of her and fell into a peaceful slumber.

Finally I updated 😁! Well guess who's not single ❤️! Anyways not my best but I owe u guys a update 😘
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The Alphas Baby (undergoing major editing)Where stories live. Discover now