Disaster Struck

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I dedicate this chaptee to my best friend xLousiaTomilsonx I love you and thanks for the awesome Cover! c;
I slapped River,"Dont touch me your fucking getting married you idiot!" I screamed he groweld and pinned me up to the wall i struggled to get away but his kisses were making it hard and plus he was too strong.
"Stay still little kitten." He groweld.
"River stop your scaring me." I said scared. He stopped and hugged me.
"Im sorry Penny its more of him then me." He sais softly kissing my hair and i knew he was talking about his wolf.
"Why did you come here in the first place?" I asked walking over to the couch and sitting down he walked over to where i was sitting and rested his hand on my thigh and i felt a million sparks invaid me. God i love that sparks i bit my lip to hold back a moan. I heard him chuckle.
"I came here to see Via." He said getting up.
"Can i see her?" He asked. I would be a bitch if i didnt let him see his daughter.
"Sure." I said as i pulled my hair in a ponytail, he grabbed my arm and spun me around and my back was to his chest.
"Its beautiful." He said kissing my mark and i couldnt processes what the hell was happening.
"What is?" I asked.
"Our Mark." He said reforming to his wolf and him.
"Eres Mi Santa." He whispered in my ear in spanish as my knees felt so weak. He said that i am his saint.
"Lets go to Viannas bedroom." I said my voice comimg out breathless. Fuck i hate how he makes me feel.
[But you love him.] My wolf said cockily.
[Shut up] I said before opening Viannas roomdoor and her looking up at yhe celeing and smiling when she saw me and showed off her dimples when River came next to me. I smiled and picked her up. She was figiting a little before calming down I rested her in Rivers arms.
"Be careful River." I said
"I got it babe." He grinned and kissed Viannas head.
"Dont call me babe."I said
"Why arent you with your wife of a bitch." I said annoyed just thinking about her. Ugh i hate how she can just get to me why cant she just leave me and my mate alone.
[You do love him!] My wolf yelled happily
[No i dont now stop butting in on me and my thoughts] I snapped at her. She rolled her eyes and I smirked.
"Im not getting married."He said.
"What?" I asked confused.
"I dont want to but i have to for my pack." He said botherd by the topic anyways he brought it up i took vianna out of his arms because she started crying i rocked her back and forth as River made her bottle. Why is he even here he should be at home with his wife not here with me it just wrong but one side of me wants him here and i feel like i want him im just so confused right now. River came with her bottle.
"Thanks." I said putting it in her mouth as she watched me I smiled at my daughter.
"Shes beautiful."River said resting his chin on my shoulder.
"Yeah." I sighed tiredly.
"I can put her to sleep." River insisted.
"Are you sure?" I asked rasing an eyebrow.
"Yeah." He said as i carefully placed her in his arms.
"Thanks." I said as i walked to my bedroom next door i took off my shirt and pants and turned on the water and while my bathtub got a little full I was going to pick out my pajamas. I felt warm arms around my waist. He started to drop warm kisses on my neck,shoulder and back up to my neck.
"River don't."I was trying to get the words out.
"Dont what?" He asked sexily into my ear then nibbling it. I spun around and started to kiss him.
"Dont Stop." i said between kisses.He seemes shocked but quickly kissed back I was backing him up to the bed and he fell on his back on my bed I took off his shirt and threw it and i pinned him down my knees on each side of his waist and i pinned his hands with my own on each side of his head and i started to move on his groin erection i bit my lip to pervent a moan. He tried to grab me.
"No no." I smirked as he frowned
"Well you dont play fair." He frowned as i laughed and his erection got bigger as i moaned a little and he smirked i kissed his lips and he freed his hands and rested them on my ass i got off him.
"Thats for thinking you can have me when ever." I smirked and took off my bra and i saw his eyes full of lust.
"Babe im going to take a shower now." I said sexily bitting my lip god i love this side of me. I ran to the restroom and locked the door and i took off my panties and dipped in the water.
"Dont worry when you go into heat you wont be able to resist me." He said cockily.
"Whatever." I yelled as he closed the door a few minuts later his car started and i got out and changed into my pajamas and bought vianna into my bedroom abd rested her on my bed. Next week she was going to be 1 god shes getting big. I soon fell into deep slumber.
I got home thinking about Penelope and why she was being such a tease but soon im going to be the tease i smirked and went inside to see Jennifer with her arms crossed over chest.
"So......" She said angry.
"So what?" I asked putting my keys on the holdee thingy.
"Where the hell were you i am your fiance and you should be with me our wedding us tomorrow." She said as her sister Ana came downstairs with luggage.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"To my sisters untik the wedding its bad luck to see the fiance before the wedding." She said kissing my lips as she walked off and Marcus camw downstairs.
"Did you?" I asked pointing to Ana.
"Hell yes." He smirked.
"Dude really my sister in law." I said grossed out.
"Are you getting married?" He asked by the door way.
"You know i have too." I said as i ran a hand through my hair.
" Yeah your right anyways i gotta go check up on someone." He smirked and left as i gagged. I laid on my bed and fell asleep thinking about Penelope.
I was getting up and i had Vianna in my arms in her onesie that says i love mommy. My phone started ringing it was Joshua.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Oh hey penny i was wondering if you wanted to come to the wedding with me?" He asked i thought.
"Sure why not." I smiled.
"Awesome i though you were going to say no." he said relived
"Im not that mean." I laughed as Vianna looked at me like i was crazy i kissed her nose because it annoyed her like crazy. She started to cry so i stopped and put her pacifier in her mouth.
"Can i come over well me and Jasmine and Savannah." He said.
"You know them?" I asked curious.
"I was walking by the beach and nicholas saw me and said hey bro you wanna cone chill with us and so yeah." He said as i heard a car start.
"Oh its nice that you made new friends." I said.
"Yeah well yall can come over and is Nicky coming?" I asked.
"Nah he had to work but he is going to the wedding." He assured me.
"Oh okay see yall in a few then."I said as i hung up.
"Lets get you dressed baby." I said as i went up the stairs and changed her into some cheetah print leggings and a pink dress that had a baby giraffe on the side and i put her hair in a ponytail that stood up and i smoothed to the side and clipped it with a little pink bow and i put her on some pink flats. I put on some shorts and a black camisole and a lace tank top i was straightening my hair when the doorbell rang i twisted my bangs and clipped my bangs to the side and went downstairs with Vianna on my hip.
"Hey you guys." I sais hugging them as they walked in I let vianna hold on to the couch as Joshua played with her hands.
"So how has douchbag been?" Savannah asked.
"Well he came yesterday and i teased him." I smiled.
"Sexually?" Jasmine asked.
"You know it." I said.
"Your such a tease." She joked as i playfully rolled my eyes and Savannah handed me a bag from the baby r us.
"Aww thanks." I said as i hugged her and i pulled out some clothes and a cute diaper bag and some binkies.
"Thanks you didnt have too." I said.
"I wanted too." She insisted.
"Thats why we were kinda late." Joshua said as Savannah punched him playfully.
"Rude." She said.
"Anyways shall we go shipping." I said as i got up to get Viannas diaper bag and my purse.
"And we shall." Jasmine said as i put vianna on my hip.
"Ill get Viannas stroller." Joshua said as Savannah got my purse.
"Aww thanks you guys." I said as they smiled and went different directions the girls got in the car while Joshua was trying to get the stroller in I gave Vianna to jasmine and I got out to help him. We finally got it in Joshua kissed my lips quickly and i was shocked.
"Um we should get going." I said awkwardly.
"Yeah." He said and i went inside the car and saw a mysterious car parked a few blocks away from my house. I shrugged off the weired feeling and went in the car. We finally got there. I put vianna in her stroller and her baby carrier so she was facing me and her diaper bag under her stroller and i put her binkie in her mouth. We were walking around when we stopped at Claire's. Yes,Yes i know that store is for kids but hey i love it.
"Jazzy should i get her ears pierced?" I asked.
"Yeah she is 7 months." She said looking at some makeup.
"Hello can i get my babys ears pierced?" I asked.
"Ofcourse just follow me." She said as we walked over to some chairs.
"Can we take a video?" I asked.
"Yes ma'm and pictures if you like." She smiled warmly
"Thank you." I said as i placed Vianna on my lap. The lady put her some achole and started to get the needle Joshua was making a face that made me want to laugh so hard. She started to cry.
"Sh,Sh its okay baby era ya paso." I cooed to her I told her see it already passed. She kept crying i put her bottle in her mouth and rocked her as Savannah instead she pay for her ears. I got some makeup,Nail polishes,and Jewellery. I had Vianna asleep in my arms when we walked into the store Papaya and i saw none other than Jennifer! Joshua was carrying Vianna as us girls looked at dresses.
"Penelope?' I heard Rivers sexy voice say.
"Yes?" I asked.
'What are you doing here?" He asked as Joshua came to my side.
"And why is his scent all over you?!" I asked his eyes getting black with anger.
"Sh calm down River it was just hugs." I reassured him.
[Kiss him!] My wolf said.
[What i will not kiss him if anything i shoukd slap him for over reacting] I argued back.
[Just reassure his wolf] She said sounding irritated. I sighed lowly and brought his lips to mine he automatically replied back and his tongue started to explore my mouth.
"Eww guys really baby here." Joshua said.
"Sorry." I said as i pulled away.
"Why are my daughter's ears pierced?" He asked surprised
"Well we went to claires and i decided to pierce them." I said putting her back in the stroller and moving my hair to the said so my mark was showing off perfectly.
"Anyways im going to look for a dress, See you later River." I said as he hugged me and i was shocked but i hugged back. I smiled awkwardly and we went our separate ways. I picked out a blue one shoulder dress that hugged my curves perfectly and showed some cleavage. It was perfect. I paired up with silver heels. We had went to forever 21 and love culture and many other stores. We had to go because Vianna was getting cranky.
"Well ill see you guys later." I said as they dropped me off. I went inside and took Vianna upstairs and put her in her walker and got in the shower I didnt take long because i hate leaving my baby alone. I put on my dress and i was putting on my foundation when vianna started to cry.
"Come on mamas lets go get your binkie." I cooed to her. She was wearing a pink dress that was glittery and some pink flats and she had a little bow on. I curled my hair and did my makeup and put on my heels and then my doorbell rang.
"Hey Joshua." I said hugging him.
"Hey you ready?" He asked as i put her in her carseat.
"Yeah." I said as he looked at me with caring and lustful eyes.
"You look beautiful." He said placing his hands on my waist as i just stared into his green eyes but No i wasnt going to think about him even though im going to his wedding.
"Thanks you dont look to bad yourself." I smiled at him as he smirked and kissed my forehead.
"Anyways lets go." I said.
I was in my changing room thinking about actually going through with thus at first i loved Jennifer to death but after finding my mate its just been hard and yesterday having her on me made me want to take her then and there. Do i really want to go through this just so my dad could get a bigger pack and more land? Ofcourse not yesterday i had an argument with my wolf and his been ignoring me ever since. I actually cried myself to sleep worrying about Penelope and my baby girl. My door started to jiggle.
"Come in!" I yelled and i saw the one person i couldnt bare to see. Penelope.
"Hey." She said as she closed the door God she looked amazing.
"Hey i thought you wouldnt come" I said getting closer to her.
"You look ravishing." I said as she looked into my eyes and backed up to the wall.
"I love your mark its beautiful.' I said as she hit the wall.
"Thank you i just wanted to say congratulations." She said as she pulled me in for a hug.
"Are you okay?" I asked as i kissed her hair.
"Yeah." She lied and before i could tell her anything she walked away. I know my answer to this marriage now.
$ Penelope$
I was walking back to the church when Jennifer stopped me and slapped me. I grabbed my cheek.
"What Bitch!" I yelled and slapped her woth all my force and she went crashing down.
"I load you!" She screamed.
"Good to know we feel the same way about eachother." I said bitchy and left.
I sat down and they were starting the ceremony. Jennifer was walking down the isle with her cheek super red.
"Do you Jennifer lawson take River Vermont as your lovely wedded husband in sickness and in health." The pastor read.
"I do." She squealed
"And do you River take Jennifer as your lovly weeded wife till death do you part." The pastor read.
there was a long pause i already knew he was going to go through with the wedding so i didnt care but still i was anxious to know what will come out his mouth.
"I dont." everyone gasped even me as Jennifer stared to cry and throw a fit.
"I love Penelope." He said as everyone stared at me
Nice one Alpha.

Sorry i haven't updated like i said i dont have my ipod and i hate updating on my phone and laptop so yeah anyways i also have a life people i dont have to kept writting everyday anyways thanks for your support and for reading and patience.
I Love You My Little Dinasourses C:
A pic of Bianca on the side :).

The Alphas Baby (undergoing major editing)Where stories live. Discover now