Chapter 19

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Haru POV

It's been days and I'm observing Kylie and I don't why but there's something she been hiding from us also her way of speaking, she's not English speaking more on tagalog siya. Then her fashion style, she always wear leather than pastel colors then she wears high heels than her favorite shoes. even her favorite food has change, oh I still remember she had a mark on her neck but I saw it when she tied her hair and it's gone. I ask James and he said that Kylie's attitude has change then he was shocked and couldn't ask again. There's something about kylie like she is somebody.

I followed her to the kitchen and confront her.

"Kylie can I talk to you?" She look at me with chips on her mouth.

"do you still remember the time we used to climb the tree and I almost broke my bone?" She stop munching the chips and look at me straight.

"What are you talking about kuya?" She still look puzzled and she drink the wine on the glass.

"What your favorite drink?" I asked her and her eyes sparkled and smiled so brightly.

"I like wine and cocktails" as she said yet something fishy about her.

I look all the cupboard to see if there's a wine and I found one.

"Wanna taste this?" I wiggled the wine and she ran fast to me.
As I poured the wine to her glass she immediately drink all of it then I saw the name "novelino mousse " hmm it's kinda weird.

"Want more?"I asked her again then she nodded,I pour another wine for her. She really likes wine though Kylie's favorite was chocolate drink.

"That's enough wine for you" I immediately close the wine and put back in the cupboard.

I saw her cheeks getting so reddish, Kylie was now a total different person. Kylie used to say "eww kuya Ayoko ng wine" but now she likes it no scratch that she even loves it.

"Kylie are you okay?" she didn't respond yet she stumbled and fell but luckily I caught her. I immediately take to her room she's drunk I think.

James POV

haru asked me if I notice Kylie's behavior these days


Naalala ko nung nagmall kami busy ako bumili ng ice cream.

I saw kylie hiding behind the food truck banner, it made me laugh why is she hiding? Then I saw kylie walking towards me.

"Sorry, did I take too--- Matagal ba ako?"
She seems a bit weird to me though she got a nicer and more beautiful

"Nope, it's okay. So, where else do you wanna go?" While eating the ice cream.

"Uhmm... Kuya, pwede bang umuwi na tayo? *cough* parang *cough* masama pakiramdam ko eh." I look at her then she seems really sick.

"Aww are you not feeling well? You should've told me, we could've put this to a different date." I placed my hand to her forehead and check if she has a fever

"Opo, sorry kuya." we hurried walking to my car then we got home.

I didn't see any suspicious on Kylie's behavior, why kuya haru said that?

Kylie POV

Nasa likod pa din ako nang van at hingal na hingal, naramdaman ko na lng na bumukas ang pinto ng van kaya alerto akong napayuko.

Dinig ko ang bawat pagyapak ng sapatos niya hanggang sa tumigil ito,Saka sinara nito ang pinto. Sumilip ako ng kaunti at nakita ko ang isang lalaki na nakatayo at nagsisigarilyo.

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