Chapter 21

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Celestia POV

I need to escape right now kundi malalagot ako kay boss. I've pack my things and ready my passport at nagbook nako online flight ko sa Canada.

Dali-dali akong lumabas ng kwarto at tiningnan ang palagid kung madami ang nakabantay.

lumabas na ko ng pinto at hila hila ko ang maleta ko kasabay nun ay pumasok ako sa cab.

Just then a group of men suddenly stop the cab and killed the driver. I scream for help but no one notices so I bite one of men hand and run.

I kept on running and never look back, I found a place to hide and never make a sound. I turn my phone to silent, di ko alam kung sino tatawagan ko para humingi ng tulong. Bahala na kung sino mapindot ko.

It's ringing until it answered..

Dein POV

I got home and look for kylie but she's nowhere to be seen, where did she go?.

I asked all the maids and they saw her with a luggage and got in a cab.

Where she could be right now?

I called Matthew and Luther but they're unavailable. Then I called uncle oliver but her secretary said he's on business trip.

Skylar has a lot operations to do,Haru and Denver are on date,James,heathery and dark are on training this time.somehow rafferson,he's going to dads other business trip.

Why they all gone and I'm all alone here??

I guess I had no choice but to find her,well it's easy though I put a tracker on her phone just Incase she disappeared.

I found her atlas's , she's in Canada?. Too far than I thought anyways I have a friend there who can help me catch her.

I booked a flight in the morning, i was preparing when suddenly my phone rings.

who could this be? Unregistered number huh!!

I heard nothing but then young voice spoke and I think it was shivering from cold.

"who are you?" I asked but it didn't respond.

"Hey are you still there?" I asked again and nothing came,But I heard a scream.

"Please help meeeee,pleassseeee" I'm confuse right now,what's going on?.

"I think you should call a police" I suggested and I was going to end the call just then...

"NO NO NO please help me,I need your help please" it's begging me and I was confuse at all.

"H-How can I help you?"

"I'm Celestia btw and someone's gonna kill me right now. I'm in room under the bed.plss call 911 I don't have much time." So it's celestia pero Bakit siya pinapatay? Who's trying to kill her?

"Ok,I help you but tell me the address" I get a pen and a paper and wrote down the address.

"I'm sorry for everything,I'm so sorry" she was crying and she's so scared,But I can't help but to sympathy her.

2 mins passed, she screams so loud and I heard a gunshot maybe two or more gunshots. Just then the call ended.

I immediately call 911 and reported it, but there's one thing I can't seem to explain. How did she get my number?

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