Chapter 5- It's Over

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Troye’s POV-


Cody is pulling me towards the stadium, trying to quickly explain what I have  left to do before the show, even though it’s still 6 hours away. I can’t believe I made Tyler leave. God, I’m always losing my temper on people. This is why everyone hates me. Cody stops pulling me by my arm and I look up from the cracking pavement  to meet the eyes of Jason. He looks strangely calm after just watching him infuriated in the bathroom. The thought of him hurting Tyler makes me sick. I don’t even know Tyler, not all that personally anyway, and I feel a strange connection to him. But hey, Romeo and Juliet knew each other for a day before getting married, and that’s the greatest love story ever told, supposedly. But it’s also the greatest tragedy ever told...I guess that could be fitting.


Jason is now hauling me away from a very flustered and mildly aggravated Cody. Jason takes me to my trailer and follows me inside. He pushes me over and onto the bed.


“Not today, Jason,” I say and push him off me and stop his line of kisses down my torso. Normally at least when I say no to sex he agrees, but I can see the fury in his eyes today.


“Oh yes, today,” Jason smirks and tries to pin me down and kiss my neck. His kiss isn’t tender, just sloppy and frankly scary. He isn’t stopping when I try to push him off. I start being more forceful and try to squirm out from underneath him. He pins my shoulder down with one hand and slaps me with the other,” Stop struggling.” He undresses me, pulling and twisting at my arms and legs.

“Jason, please,” I say and feel tears start welling up,” Please.”

“Shut up,” Jason says and pulls his pants and boxers down.


(A/n: smut warning, I know... it’s uncomfortable for me too)


“Jason, I’ll do anything but this, please,” I plead.


“I want this, now suck it,” He says and pulls me closer to his crotch. He forces my mouth onto him and bobs my head up and down, digging his hands into my hair. I nearly start choking when he abruptly lets go of me and throws me back on the bed and flips me over. I try to kick away at him and crawl away but he holds my hip in place and starts dry humping me. I cry out in pain, not used to the feeling at all. Jason s practically panting as I cry out and tears fall freely down my cheeks. He pulls out of me and pumps himself into a nearby towel.


“You tell no one or I will kill you,” Jason hisses into my ear as I lay on the bed crying, “God you’re ugly.”


Finally Jason walks away from me when his phone rings. I curl up in a ball and watch as he puts his pants back on and leaves without explanation. I grab the only close to me, my briefs and pull them on. I crawl under the covers and bury my face in a pillow, sobs racking my body. I hear the trailer door open faintly and I brace myself for the worst. Maybe he just forgot something. I feel somebody sit down on the bed next to me, making the mattress sink a little. I back away immediately, scared all over again. But when I open my eyes it’s Tyler, looking down at me curiously. Great, he has seen me at my weakest, vulnerable and crying, he is probably disgusted with me. He just pulls me into him though. He came back. He didn’t leave me alone when things got uncomfortable and fragile, seeing me practically naked and crying . He is here now. He doesn’t even know why I’m bawling my eyes out.

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