Twelfth Stage: Team 7

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Shikaku for once was not feeling lazy. How could he his son had been learning those jutsus in secret. Forbidden Nara Clan Jutsu that have been barred since the conception of the Leaf Village. They kept the original scrolls in the basement of his house since he was Head of Clan. But it would seem Shikamaru had thought of learning them as a contingency plan. Then...........Naruto happened. Shikaku gritted his teeth and pounded his fist into the table.

"And you say the children show signs of having learned from him." Shikaku looked over to Kakashi who was relaying this information.

"Shikaku, Boruto's shadow was thick enough to wrap around a tree and pivot him back over to his training session." The mask nin said closing his perverted book. "I know those aren't regular Nara moves."

"They're forbidden techniques have been since the Leaf was born. If Shikamaru learned these then what was the aim? If he had stayed in the Leaf then he wouldn't have been able to use them." Just as Shikaku finished the sentence his eyes widened. 

Kakashi followed his expression as well. "You don't think-"

"Shikamaru learned them because he knew he was going to leave. But if that was the case then why have Naruto rape him?" Shikaku said but Kakashi nearly had an aneurysm.

"Naruto did what!" Shikaku backed away a bit. 

"You weren't privy to the gore Kakashi but that's essentially what happened. Naruto broke him with rape and manipulation. Deception at it's finest, he had Shikamaru right where he wanted at every step." Shikaku clenched his fist. "But now I'm not so sure about Naruto breaking him, maybe he wasn't broken from the start."

"But whatever the case the two of them were thinking along the same lines. They wanted to be together but Naruto wouldn't set foot back in here so he devised a plan for Shikamaru. While Shikamaru planned something else entirely but Naruto's own plan came first and he just went along." Kakashi felt numb, Naruto raped Shikamaru?

"Kakashi you look pale." Shikaku noted. "Look I know you think your former student is pure but whatever Minato left behind as his legacy is not there anymore. All that's left is a rotten bastard."

"Naruto's too head strong for that, he would never stoop to such levels." Kakashi defended but all he got was Shikaku's pity face.

"Go visit Inoichi, tell him I sent you there." Shikaku lowered his head. "He'll show you."


"So basically they've been tracking us even after all this time." Shikamaru chewed on gum popping it occasionally. Naruto sat across from him feeding the kids as they all piled on the bed to review the information. "This scroll from Sasuke is actually the only worthy piece of information."

"I know, he's kept good notes and judging from his descriptions I'd bet he's been close enough to almost touch me." Naruto smirked. "Which begs the question, why didn't he?" 

"Hell if I know." Shikamaru took Boruto who was dozing off into his chest. "Sleep baby you've been through a lot recently." Shikadai didn't want to be far from his brother so he kissed his father's cheek and crawled to his mother. 

Naruto didn't mind that's how they coped with the recent events, he had to admit his children will grow to one day surpass them but until then they were going to be coddled by their parents. He hated when someone first tried to kidnap them, they saw their value and wanted to harvest it for their own benefit. 'Like fuck I'm going to let that keep happening.' Naruto got up and strapped on his giant blade. It wasn't originally his, it was Zabuza's. 

He turned back to his wife and gave a small nod. He was going to see Sasuke.

He followed the Uchiha's chakra to a battered training field where targets were set up everywhere in hard to reach places. He found the Uchiha standing in the center of the training area gripping his katana. "Why didn't you approach me?"

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