Season 1, Episode 10: Aurora "Aru" Pallas (An Author's Dream)

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Moonlight (Me): Hello! It's just me today, buuuuuuut *dramatic voice* THE AUTHOR! She had a dream, and wanted to share it with you guys! Hope you like it!

I entered the music room. My music teacher, Ms. Donahue, wasn't there. Instead, I substitute teacher was there. She looked like your average cheerleader: Blonde hair, tons of makeup, fixed on smile, full lips, perfect curves, etc. When I sat at my seat, she stared at me. Her blue eyes suddenly turned red and then blue again. I gulped. I looked around seeing if anyone else noticed. Nobody did. I must be hallucinating. My thoughts were interrupted by a melodic voice, "Good Morning Class! I'm Ms. Empousia but you can call me Kelly" the cheerleader teacher said. Wait a minute, her last name's Empousia? Like the Greek Mythology monster thingy? I thought, biting my bottom lip. Must be nothing. We all had to do basic pieces. I sighed. When will I ever get a challenge?

Time Skip to the End of Music Class brought to you by the Author's Terrible Memory

Finally! It was the end of class! While the whole class was packing up, Kelly then spoke up "Aurora Pallas! May I please speak with you after you finish packing up?" she looked at me. Her blue eyes turned bloodshot for a split second before turning back to blue. I must be hallucinating. When I finished packing up, I waited for the rest of the class to leave. "See ya later Aru!" some of my friends called to me. Little did I know that I would not be seeing them later today. Once the rest of the class left, I walked up to Kelly. "Ms. Empou-I mean Kelly, you asked me to stay?" I asked nervously. I rock back and forth, waiting un-patiently. Did I mention I have ADHD? "Yes, darling. Come over here." I nervously came towards her. Something about her told me that she was dangerous. "Not like the others of her kind," she murmured. "Black hair instead of Blonde, Midnight eyes instead of Blue, but she's the one, I think." What was wrong with my raven-black hair? or the fact that my eyes looked like the midnight sky? And what did she mean that I was "the one"? Kelly must have noticed my questioning looks, because she smiled and said "That was nothing dear, now do you know about Greek Mythology?" that was an odd question to ask. This was a music class. But of course, Latin is my favorite class tied with music, closely followed by P.E (Physical Education) and LA (Language Arts). "Yes." I said. But due to my nervousness, it sounded more of a question than an answer. Kelly smiled "Good. Now, let me tell you a little secret. They are real." I blinked. Surely she would just say "NOT!" and say it was just a joke, but her look made me feel that she wasn't joking. "You know about demigods right hon?" I nodded. "Well, let's just say that you are one." I frowned. Me? A demigod? "Pffffft" I said. "No darling, I'm serious. Now, you know about the monsters?" I nodded "Like Medusa, the Gorgons, the Nemean Lion, the Minotaur, and Empousia? Yeah, I know." Thunder boomed at each monster I just named. Like a warning screaming at me DON"T THROW THOSE NAMES AROUND! THAT'S DANGEROUS! I also noticed that Kelly hissed when I said her last name: Empousia. "Yes darling, those are the ones I'm talking about. Now, you might have guesses which one I am now? I'll give you a hint: One the monsters you just said now." Then, her appearance started to change: She had flaming hair, vampire teeth, and mismatched legs. One was metal while the other was a donkey's. Maybe this is all a dream. I thought. Maybe soon I will wake up in my comfy bed, safe and sound and this had never happened. But I was told it was real when I pain shooting up my left thigh, Kelly was an Empousa, I'm somehow a demigod, and now I have been scratched. I look at it. It was not that bad, maybe I would live. Maybe I thought. I then grabbed the only thing I thought would do any damage, which was my beautiful golden headband, and threw it at her. As soon as the thing touched her, she exploded into golden dust. I blinked. Then, I picked up my headband, placed it back on my head, and inspected my wound. I was then distracted by a voice, "What. The. Hades?" then I looked up. A girl about 15 was standing there. She was wearing punk clothes, a "Death to Barbie" T-Shirt, and a silver tiara on top of her head. I frowned. I didn't know her, so obviously I did the reasonable thing. "Who are you? Are you another monster? One of Kelly's reinforcement or something?" I asked. "Kelly the Empousa was here?" her eyes widened at my wound, then she ran up to me "Tell me everything!" I stared at her. She seemed to be nice, maybe I could trust her. "But are you a monster?" I asked just to be sure. "No, I am not. I swear on the River Styx. I'm a demigod, daughter of Zeus." Nothing happened then. Knowing that the swearing on the River Styx was the most important oath you could take, I nodded. "Wait a minute, your the daughter of the King of the Gods?" then my eyes widened. The girl cracked a smile. "Yes, I am. I'm Thalia by the way, Thalia Grace. What's yours?" Then she started to care for my wound "I'm Aurora Pallas. You can call me Aru though" Thalia nodded. "Ok, Aru. Could you explain to me what happened?" I nodded and then told her what happened. Thalia was a good listener. She would nod and sometimes murmur to herself little things, but she heard everything. By the time I was done, she was done taking care of my wound. "Your good!" I exclaimed after examining my wound. Thalia grinned, "Thanks, but we better head to camp," she looked around, "Like, right now. Grab some of your things, you might be with us for a long time." I nodded and then made a quick beeline to grab my stuff. My mom always told me to have this "Emergency Bag" at all times just in case I needed it. I grabbed that, and my Viola. When I came back to Thalia, I asked "Wouldn't the school notice that I'm gone?" Thalia laughed "No worries. They won't." I nodded. "Where are we going?" I asked, Thalia frowned. "Your home duh, we need to tell your parents-" she started. "Parent. Just parent." I said. I didn't like it when they said that. My mom said that dad left for some important stuff, I just thought that I never had one. Thalia raised her hands in surrender. "Sorry, we are going to tell your parent," emphasizing on the parent, "what happened and that you need to go with me. HEY NEEKS!" I blinked. Suddenly an emo kid about 14 just appeared, like out of the shadows! He was wearing similar black clothes but they were about skeletones. "Aru, this is Nico Di-Angelo," Thalia said, gesturing me to the emo kid, "Neeks, this is Aurora Pallas" gesturing Nico to me. Then, Thalia turned to me "Nico here, is a son of Hades." no wonder he was wearing death clothes! Then, Nico started talking, "Hi, being a son of Hades, I can do a thing called Shadow Travel which I just did to come here and to bring Thals to you. Now, I'm going to to Shadow Travel us to your home. Do you mind telling me the address?" I nodded and told him my address. "Now, hold my hand and close your eyes." Nico instructed. I nodded and did just that. Then, I felt a sudden coolness going over me, then I felt like my face was peeling off. Then, I felt warm again. "You can open your eyes now" I heard Thals say. When I opened my eyes, I was in the living room of my apartment! My mom was standing there in the couch, watching TV, and she looked at us surprised. Then she looked concerned. "Is it time?" She asked Thalia and Nico. "Yes, I believe it is" Thalia answered. "Is it time for what?" I wondered out loud. They all stared at me as if they forgot I was here in the first place. "Aru dear, tell me, what happened that made them bring you here?" I bit my lip and told her everything. Mom's eyes never left my face. When I finished, she nodded murmuring to herself "I knew this would happen someday..." and other things I couldn't hear. Then she went into her room and came out with a duffel bag. "Here, take this. This will help you prepare for camp." There was that word again camp. "What camp?" I asked. "Camp Half-Blood," Nico explained, "It's a summer camp, but some people stay there year-round because of monsters." I nodded. "Like Kelly?" I asked. Nico nodded "Like Kelly, you ready?" I nodded, looking back at my mom and hugged her. "Ready." Nico nodded. "I suppose you already know what to do?" I nodded, held his hand and closed my eyes. When I felt warmth again, I opened my eyes to find myself on a crescent hill. To my left was a strawberry field, to my right was a big house, there was also a bunch of cabins which were the most bizarre looking ones I have ever seen, and a lot of Greek Architecture. Thalia, Nico, and I walked up to the big house which Nico told me was called "The Big House". When we entered The Big House, a guy in a wheelchair was sitting there. "Hey Chiron!" Thalia said, the wheelchair guy then looked up. His face lit up, "Thalia! Nico! Who is this newcomer?" he asked gesturing to me. Then he got out of the wheelchair. Then, he rose up until he was a centaur. Then it hit me, "Wait a minute, you THE Chiron? Trainer of Hercules, Achilles and other great heroes?" I asked, "Yes I am, the one and only" Chiron chuckled, "and who are you?" he asked. "I'm Aurora Pallas, but please call me Aru." I said. Chiro nodded "Ok then Aru, do you mind telling me what happened?" I was tired of saying my tale but I did. While I was saying, sometimes Thalia interjected things like "It was awesome!" When I finished, Chiron asked me "May I see your headband?" I nodded and gave it to him. It was one of my prized possessions, a gift from my father according to mom. He looked at it, inspected and said "It's made from Celestial Bronze, a prized metal to Greek demigods." then he handed the headband back to me. "Nico, do you mind giving Aru here a tour of camp? And explain to her some of our ah, little differences?" the emo boy then nodded. "C'mon, I'll show you around." then he took my hand and started a tour.

Time Skip to the End of Nico's Tour of Camp brought to you by the Length of this Story

I was sitting in the Hermes cabin, feeling alone. Nico just gave me a tour explaining me about the rules, and how the camp works and everything. I looked at the sun. About 7:00 at night. My thoughts were interrupted by a conch horn. I looked up seeing everyone going up and getting out of the cabin. Travis Stoll, on of the Stoll brothers and Co-Head Counselor of the Hermes Cabin then came to me and told me it was time for dinner. I nodded and followed them to the dining pavilion. I sat in the Hermes cabin along with a bunch of other demigods. I saw after everyone got their food, they all headed to the campfire. I followed thinking they were getting dessert. When I saw they were throwing some of their food in the campfire, I realised that we were giving burnt offerings to the gods. When it was my turn, I scraped off a huge strawberry with a prayer "Dad, whoever you are, can you please claim me?" Then I headed back to the Hermes table along with everyone else. When we finished, everyone headed towards the Amphitheater for a Sing-Along a s'mores.

Time Skip to the Time where Aru gets Claimed brought to you by the Author's Laziness

It was the last song, everyone had 2 s'mored each and the Apollo cabin was singing wonderfully. When we were all singing, the Apollo Cabin stopped singing mid-sentence and gasped. They were looking right at me! Everyone else was looking above my head too. What's wrong? I looked up and found a sun hovering over my head. Then words formed above me. It read "All hail Aurora Pallas! Daughter of Apollo and Legacy of Aphrodite, Athena, and Tyche!" everyone read aloud. Then they knelt down. "Wha-wha what's happening?" I asked. When they stood up Will Solace, Head Counselor of the Apollo Cabin explained "You have just been claimed by Apollo. It's also very rare we have a legacy. But since your dad is Apollo, that makes you my step-sister. This night, you will sleep with us in the Apollo Cabin." I grinned. So my dad's Apollo and I'm a legacy of Aphrodite, Athena, and Tyche. Interesting.

Time Skip to the Next Day brought to you by Apollo's Bad Haikus

When I woke up the next day, I looked around my surroundings and grinned. I was now Aurora Pallas, daughter of Apollo and Legacy of Aphrodite, Athena Tyche. My days at Camp Half-Blood will be fun. I don't know if it was my Apollo-Being-The-God-Of-Prophecies-So-I-Get-Little-Hints-Of-The-Future kinda thing, but I think it's because I finally had a family.

Moonlight: That's it for today so please, COMMENT, VOTE, AND FOLLOW BYE!!!

(A/N: Hoorah! Sooooo, I was wondering if I should make this like a story and made another part? I had to wake up right at that moment soooo, maybe I'll get another dream for a part 2? I'm not sure, but should I do a part 2? Please let me know!)

(A/N: Hoorah! Sooooo, I was wondering if I should make this like a story and made another part? I had to wake up right at that moment soooo, maybe I'll get another dream for a part 2? I'm not sure, but should I do a part 2? Please let me know!)

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[Published on January 22, 2021]

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