Chapter 44- ❤️Top of the World❤️

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Friday dawned glorious, beautiful and sunny! 
Just after Turkan's Hanim's sunny heart! 

That's exactly what she wanted for her Guzel Kizim... her beautiful daughter.... Defne!

Whose face shone like the sun;
With Omer's love in her heart;
And with glorious dreams of their future shining in her eyes! 

After reprimanding over and over again,
After agonizing over the minutest cleaning details;
After overseeing all the preparations of the dishes;
After each meticulous planning of the outfits, accessories, seeing to it that the whole family put their shiniest face, the most beaming smiles, and the brightest and the newest outfits;

After reprimanding over and over again, After agonizing over the minutest cleaning details;After overseeing all the preparations of the dishes;After each meticulous planning of the outfits, accessories, seeing to it that the whole family put their...

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Turkan made them stand in line and ticked things off from her list, to much exasperation of all in the line.  

It looked like a military operation and nothing less! 

Turkan Hanim, Defne and Nihan totally lost it when Esra and Serdar entered a losing battle....

Who drank the lemonade?!

The truth came out when that person twisted and twitched to pee, and needed to use the restroom who was none other than.....

"Biliyordum Aabi!
I knew it!
It had to be you!
It took me one whole hour to prepare the syrup and make the whole thing! 

And you just gulped it down?
Wait till the ants come and bite you, you know where!"

Esra wickedly winked and crossed her arms across her chest and huffed in mock exasperation! 

"Allah!  Allah!
What is this yaa?
Where did this little monster come from?

Annane?  Your training?
This is little captain Turkan ... the tyrant!!"

Nihan and Defne laughed at Serdar being reprimanded by little Esra and at not being allowed to use the restroom, by captain Turkan! 

"You calling me a tyrant?"
Demanded Turkan Hanim and she continued strictly! 

"My cute little slackers!
I got the whole house house cleaned and....
read my lips....

No one, will and shall use the restroom until the first guest has used it!
Sakin everyone! 
Calm! Calm!"

Turkan reprimanded the lot in mock disapproval!

"Aabi!  Idea!
Why don't you think of something else other than liquids and your urge to pee will disappear!
How's that?
Peeeeee! Tip tap slosh swish tip tip tip tip!
Esra mimicked a leaky faucet, flowing water, running water, water in all forms, to mimick the sound of pouring water! 

"Will you stop it Esra cim?
You are getting too smart for your shoes!

Me wanting to use the restroom has somehow become the national news in the Topal household!
I am leaving!"
Huffed out Serdar!

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