Chapter 6- Face to Face!!

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"Yasmin hanim, I appreciate your offer!
I am very flattered, but can I think over it and get back to you??!

Can I take a week or two to decide? I do have a few loose ends to tie up!"
Said Defne excitedly but courteously.

"I understand!!  
I shall wait to hear from you Defnecim... but... don't take too long!

You look so beat... enjoy the rest of your evening... iyiakshamlar.... goodnight!"

"Iyiakshamlar... goodnight!!"
Quipped Defne with a smile as Iso blew a kiss at her and winking with both eyes with joy, shut the door softly behind him and escorted Yasemin to her car.

"Ismail, what do you think, will Defne take up my offer?
When I called up the school to see how she was doing, the teachers were singing her praises and were so happy to see their name associated with Milan because of her!

I don't want to lose her!!  
Hope she doesn't keep any of the past resentments against me, in her heart and doesn't end up joining me!!

Why don't you gently prod and talk to her honey?!"
Yasmin asked, finally ending with a cooing plea.

"Hmmm... honey??!!  
Everyone needs to learn how to sugar coat stuff when they need stuff done, from you!!
Hope my reward is big!"

Winkingly, Iso grabbed her for a kiss finishing the conversation!!
And added,
"You don't know Defocik, she is one of a kind, one in a million, she is very straightforward and honest.

If she says she will get back to you, that means she needs that time to sort things out and she will get back to you!

If she says yes, treat her kindly, and teach her all that she needs to know, if she says no, please don't hate her for that, just move on with the thought that you will find somebody even better...
Anladin mi...Understood?"
Iso spoke softly yet very assertively.

"Defne is your best friend, isn't she?"
Yasamin asked with the slightest twinge of jealousy.

"Not friend, Defne is beyond that, she is my soul sister." Explained Iso with a quiet brotherly affection lacing his voice!!

As Yasemin drove out of the 'hood, into the night, Iso, shot up a prayer for everything to work well and turned back to go speak with Defne, if she was up to it.

He entered the door quietly as Turkan Theyize was setting the dinner table for 3.

She saw him, and asked Esra to put out another plate for Iso!
Iso, smiled, marched up to her, gave her a hug and took his seat at the table as Defne walked in, in her jammies, wiping her hand in a towel.
She put it on the back of her chair as she pulled it and sat tiredly but her face shone like the stars outside.

She was going to share some important news, the air enveloping them was thick with anticipation as it swirled quietly around the dinner table.

Just then the doorbell went off!

Iso, rolled his eyes and got up to check the door to find the newlywed couple, giddy with happiness, arm around each other's waist, hugging each other stood at the threshold with giant, happy smiles on their faces!!!

"Merhaba... hello!" they screamed in unison, and entered, brushing past Iso, removing their footwear, and hugged him tight!!

Iso happily hugged them back and slowly disentangled himself and pointed towards the dining room and said,
"Hoshgeldiniz love birds... welcome!
Defocik has an important message to share, come on in and take a seat... have you eaten?"

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