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3rd POV

Peter and Tony worked in the lab until 10pm when Tony finally said it was getting late. Peter changed back into his suit and was about to leave and go home when the older man asked if he wanted to stay for some late night burgers. With the 60mg of Adderall still coursing its way through his body, food was the last thing on his mind.

"Sure!" He says and immediately regrets his words. Why would I say I could stay for food when I'm not hungry and I should be exhausted from school and work all day but I can't fucking hold still for one second?? Tony smiles at him and they take the elevator up to the penthouse floor.

When the doors open, a few of the Avengers are in the kitchen making food. Steve's on the George Forman grill making the burgers, Natashas slicing the buns, Bruce's getting all the toppings ready, and Thor and Clint are just goofing off waiting for the food to be ready. They all look up from what they're doing when they hear the elevator.

"Peter!" Thor shouts in excitement.

"We missed you!" Clint adds and they both walk over to the pair. Peter flashes both of them a grin and watched Tony head off to the kitchen.

"I've missed you guys too." Peter says and Thor places a heavy hand on his shoulder.

"It's never the same without you here." Thor says, suddenly serious and catching the teenager off guard.

"Schools been really busy lately and it's a lot for me to juggle everything." Peter says and starts picking at the skin around his fingers, fidgeting a lot. Clint notices and opens his mouth to say something but gets interrupted by Steve.

"Foods on! Gather 'round." The soldier shouts and everyone makes their way into the kitchen. Everything's set up like a buffet and people are already grabbing plates and dishing up. Peter sneaks his way behind Tony and grabs the smallest looking burger her could find.

Everyone's chattering and having a good time, getting their food and heading off to the lounge to eat. Tony glances over at the kid and notices his nearly bare plate.

"Are you not hungry?" He asks and raises and eyebrow at him.

Peter's face flushes pink and he looks down. "I'm not super hungry, ya know, cause it's late and I don't really like eating before bed cause I get nightmares and then I can't sleep and I gotta wake up early tomorrow for school and I have a quiz in English that I need to be like really prepared and awake for so I need to have enough sleep or-"

"Okay, okay, chill." Tony says, interrupting Peters rambling. The teens silently thankful that he stopped him before he said anything more. Peter sets his plate down and looks up at Tony again.

"I think I'm just gonna go home, thank you for letting me hangout with you in the lab today." Peter says and bites the inside of his cheek. Tony looks at him, like really looks at him, and he can tell that somethings off but he doesn't know what. He sighs in defeat, knowing he wont get anything out of Peter today, and shrugs his shoulders.

"You're always welcome here, Pete. At least say goodbye to the team before you leave." Tony says and walks into the lounge where everyone's sitting on different couches, getting ready to watch something on the tv.

Great, you went and made Tony Fuckin Stark mad at you. Why can't you just be a normal kid instead of some stupid fuckin junkie? Piece of shit. Peter shakes the thoughts from his head and walks into the lounge, behind Tony.

"Hey guys, I'm actually heading out. I didn't realize how late it was and I got school in the morning." Peter says awkwardly to the room full of his heroes. They all look up at him with confused, food full faces.

"But we never see you anymore!" Clint shouts and Steve shushes him.

"He's got a lot going on, being in highschool and a superhero as well as who knows what else in his life." Steve says, defending Peters decision. The teenager gives him a small smile.

"Maybe you can come by this weekend and stay the night?" Tony suggests lightly, but gives Peter the look that says this-is-non-negotiable and Peter nods at him.

"I'll have to ask May, but that sounds fun." He says with a swallow. "See ya later, guys." He adds and heads over to the launch pad where he came in.

Everyone shouts their collected 'goodbyes' as Peter puts his mask and takes a running start toward the edge of the building. He takes a big leap and starts diving toward the concrete, hundreds of feet below him.

Just let yourself fall, they'll think your webshooters broke and won't even think about the possibility of it being suicide. Peter closes his eyes and plays with the idea for a moment before opening his eyes again and launching a web to the neighboring building.

He swings his way across the city in silence, alone with only his self destructive thoughts. You saw the way Tony looked at you when he said you should stay over this weekend, he's onto you. He's going to pry it out of you until you finally spill everything and he'll never see you the same way again. He'll see you for how you are, a disgusting piece of shit.

Peter finally lands on his apartment building roof and crawls down the side of it. He opens up his bedroom window and climbs in, landing on his floor silently. The clock reads 11:23pm when he glances at it and he sighs. Its not gonna ware off in time for me to get sleep.

He rips off his mask and pulls off the suit. He walks across his room in just his boxers to his closet and grabs a bong that was tucked away hidden in the corner. There's a small box next to it and he picks that up too.

Peter walks back to his bed and sits down and opens the box to show all his weed supplies. He packs a bowl for his bong and walks over to his window again.

As he smokes, he looks out at the city and thinks. Obviously Tony's noticed that I've been acting different. It's not a secret that I'm not the same person I was 6 months ago. But it's not like I can tell him, or anyone for that matter, about what's really going on with me. It's not even a big deal, I'll tell someone if I feel it getting worse.

Peter finishes smoking and curls up into bed, fuzzy eyes and a smile on his face. He quickly falls asleep, thinking about how everything was going to work out in the end.


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