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3rd POV


"Ughhhh!" Peter groans out as he quickly pushes the button on his phone to shut off the alarm. He rolls over onto his back and looks at his ceiling. The sun starting to peek in through his blinds as it rises.

He kicks off his blankets and sits up, blinking the sleep out of his eyes. He looks at the time on his phone, 6:07am, and sighs. Another day, another miserable time at school. He thinks and gets up and walks to his lightswitch to brighten up his room.

Peter opens the door and slumps into his kitchen, May already in there making breakfast. "Morning, May." he mumbles out and takes a seat at the table.

"Goodmorning, Peter! What do you think about french toast and bacon for breakfast?" She asks, said food already being made. He feels his stomach turn at just the mention of food and nods with a smile. "Go get ready for school, then, and I'll finish making this."

He walks back out of the kitchen and into the bathroom to brush his teeth and other things to get ready for the day. Should I do something before school to make it less unbarable? He finishes in the bathroom and goes to his room to change.

He locks the door behind him and picks out a dark grey hoodie and some jeans. Peter walks over to his desk and opens a drawer. In there he has another pill bottle but there's no pills in it. He opens it up and pulls out the small bag and rolled up dollar bill.

Peter takes a seat on his bed and takes out a glass picture frame. It's a picture of him and Tony from when he got the Stark internship. When he first started doing lines off the picture he felt bad but he's so desensitized to it now.

He opens the bag and pours the white powder onto the glass. He grabs his debit card and shapes them into 4 thick lines. He bends down and snorts all the lines back to back. He blinks hard after and exhales as a smile forms across his face.

Suddenly there's a knock at the door. "Peter? Breakfast is ready!" May calls out from the other side. The door handle jiggles and Peter quickly shoved everything back into the bottle and wipes the remaining off with his finger before licking it. Thank god I locked that door.

"Coming May! Im just changing!" Peter calls out and puts the bottle back in his desk drawer. He looks at himself in his mirror and noticed how huge his pupils are and rubs his nose when he sees some white powder.

"Okay" she says and he hears her walk away. He grins widely at himself in the mirror and then looks down at his shakey hands.

Fuck that was a lot of coke. Peter thinks to himself as he feels himself start tweaking more. His movements start speeding up and becoming more erratic and jittery. He paced around his room for a few minutes until he looks at the clock and sees 10 minutes has passed.

He quickly darts out of his room and into the kitchen to see May putting on her shoes, getting ready to leave.

"Oh good! I was worried you fell back asleep for a minute there." May says with a laugh as she grabs her purse. "I was just on my way out but I'll see you after school. Have a good day, Pete!" She says and opens the door.

"Bye May!" Peter calls out to her and she leaves the apartment. He quickly grabs a bacon slice off the counter and puts the rest of the food in the fridge. Moving so fast that he wasn't even knowing what was happening.

He takes a bite of the bacon and right as he swallows he can feel the first drip. Fuck yes. The drips were his favorite part of doing coke. It was almost like a second high. Some people hate the drip because of the salty taste, some people literally gag on it as it drips down their throats. Not Peter.

He smiles and heads out the apartment and starts his walk to school, sniffling every once and a while. He puts on a pair of sunglasses to cover his wide eyes from the public and keeps walking.

Peter finally makes it to school about 20 minutes later and to his surprise he's still tweaking out from the coke. He doesn't even get halfway to his locker before a teacher calls out to him.

"Parker! No sunglasses inside, off now." She says to him and he silently takes them off and hooks them around the neckline of his shirt. He looks down at the floor and walks into the bathroom, wanting to check his appearance before he goes to class.

Thankfully when he gets to the bathroom, nobody else is in there. He walks up to the sinks and looks in the mirror. His pupils aren't as bad as they were earlier but they're still big. He runs his shakey hands through his hair and accidentally messes it up but doesn't seem to mind.

Why the fuck isn't it going down? He thinks to himself and hyper focusses in on his elevated heart beat while staring deep into his reflection.

Suddenly the bathroom doors open and he quickly looks down at his shoes again and turns around to leave but accidentally runs into the person that walked in.

"Oh hey Peter! I wasn't sure you were here yet cause I didn't see you by our lockers." It's Ned. Fuck, I was hoping to sneak into first hour without having him see me like this. I look so fuckin sus.

"Hey Ned! Yea I haven't gotten a chance to get to my locker yet." Peter says, looking everywhere in the room but Ned's eyes, not that his friend even notices.

"Okay, well we can go together!" Ned says with a grin and the pair walks out of the bathroom, until Peter remembers something.

"Don't you have to go?" Peter says and gestures back to the bathroom. Ned looks confused before realization floods his face.

"Oh right! I'll just be a-" he gets cut off by the last minute bell ringing. 2 minutes until classes start. They make eye contact and Peter cringes at the way Ned looks slightly confused. He saw. He knows. Fuck he saw my pupils.

"Well, that's the bell and I still gotta go to my locker before class so I'll see you at lunch, okay?" Peter says. Ned nods and smiles before running into the bathroom.

I can't believe this is happening holy shit. I just gotta get to class and sit this out. Fuck my life. Peter thinks and walks down the hall to his locker.

Well this is the second chapter. What's everyone thinkin?

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