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Sup besties, I'm happy you're all happy about my update and it gave me motivation to do another chapter! Enjoy!

3rd POV

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! Peter thinks as he rushes around his room, grabbing random pieces of clothing. He had woken up late and had 5 minutes before having to leave to go to school.

He threw on some jeans and a Stark Internship hoodie and started heading out the door before pausing. I need something.

He spun back around and ran into his room and grabbed 2 more of the same Adderall he took yesterday before going to the tower. It'll help me focus for my quiz, that's only why I'm taking it. He tries to convince himself as he walks out of the apartment and off to school.

-time skip-

Peter makes it to school just in time and slides into his first hour class right as the bell rings. The stimulants coursing it's way though his system make him fidgety throughout the day and unable to fully sit still.

By lunch he's tweaking more and excited about seeing his friends. On his way to the cafeteria he stops in the bathroom to check himself before meeting up with Ned and MJ. Okay, okay, not too bad. Pupils aren't that big and if I act strange at all I can say I took an edible or something. It's fine. He thinks to himself while looking in the mirror and turns around, leaving the bathroom.

Peter walks into the cafeteria and makes a straight line to his friends. They smile up at him when he approaches and he grins back.

"Hey guys." Peter says and sits down.

"Hey, Pete." MJ replies and directs her attention back down at her food.

"How was English?" Ned asks Peter and he flashes them another wide grin.

"It was great, I actually did a lot better than I think I would've." He says, then adds, "Not that it's been graded yet, but I have a good feeling about it."

"That's awesome! I'm so jealous that you have Mrs Genson for English, she seems so chill compared to Mr Rodds." Ned says with a sigh at the end. MJ pops her head up at that note and nudges him in the side.

"Mr Rodds has a more... traditional way of teaching, it's not better or worse." She says with an eye roll.

"Yea, to you!" Ned says loudly with a scoff. Peter laughs at their interaction and they all start giggling.

"You guys are still coming over after school, right?" Peter asks with hopeful eyes piercing into both of them. The two friends laugh some more and share a knowing look. What the fuck was that about?

"Of course! What do you guys wanna do?" MJ asks the two boys and they're both silent in thought. Ned thinking about what MJ asked, and Peter thinking about what that look was about.

Are they planning something? Do they know? How would they have found out? I've been so good at keeping everything a secret what the fuck?!

Peter gets pulled from his self destructive thoughts by Neds voice. He looks up at him and realizes he asked him a question.

"Sorry, I zoned out for a sec." Peter says with an awkward apologetic look.

"It's alright. I was just wondering if you wanted to go out and do something or just hangout at your place?" Ned asks and Peter shrugs.

"Doesn't matter to me. We can do whatever." He says and his friends share another look. What the fuck is that about?

"I'm down with just having a chill night." MJ says and Ned nods. Peter looks between the two of them before also nodding.

"My place it is." He says with a fake smile. They're planning something. They're probably plotting against me to take me away and never have to deal with me again. It's obvious that they know I'm using.

Ned and MJ start talking about something else and Peter let's himself drown in his thoughts.

-time skip-

The trio lounges in Peters room, talking and laughing while some random show plays on his tv in the background. They're all passing around Peters bong, not caring to open a window. May had texted Peter after school saying a coworker had a family emergency and asked her to cover her shift. She won't be home until the morning and they are taking full advantage of it.

Hopefully the house will be aired out by then but Peter didn't really care. His eyes keep darting between Ned and MJ as his anxiety increases, all while trying to pretend to enjoy himself. How long can they keep up this act? They know! God, it's just torture at this point.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom quick, be right back." Peter says and stands up.

"You better be!" Ned says with a laugh and points in Peters general direction. He gives him a weak smile back and leaves the room and takes another glance back. MJ was holding her stomach and giggling at something on the tv that made Ned turn his head around to look at it too.

Peter leaves and crosses the hallway to the bathroom. He shuts and locks the door behind him quickly and spins around to look at himself in the mirror. A wide-eyed, nervous, pale teenager looks back at him and he scoffs at the sight.

You look so pathetic.

His eyes go cold as the self hatred washes the anxiety away. He leans forward and stares into his own eyes in the reflection with disgust.

You are a waste of life. A horrible friend, shameful nephew and a disappointing hero.

He squeezes his eyes shut and rests his forehead on the mirror, trying to push the intrusive thoughts out.

Why are you deceiving your friends? Acting like this fun and happy person you used to be? THATS NOT YOU ANYMORE!!!

"Enough!" Peter shouts and slams his fist into the wall next to the mirror. He lifts his head up and looks to his right where theres now a hole in the wall. And just as quickly as it left, his anxiety came flooding back in.

You really are an idiot, aren't you? How the fuck are you gonna explain this one?

He quickly strategically placed the towel holder and adjusted the mirror slightly to cover his mark. He sighs once done and washes his hands before going back into his room.

When he opens his bedroom door again, Ned and MJ are sitting on his bed looking at something. When they hear the door they both look up and MJ lowers her hand slightly and Peter sees what they were looking at.

A pill bottle.

Oh jeez

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