The Leader

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It was still early morning, and Eve looked around with fear. There was no cover of darkness, and they were out in the middle of town, wandering carelessly. Antonius insisted it was the best possible way to blend in and avoid detection by the Solar Ravens and flee the city. So far he had been right about it, but that didn't help to calm her nerves.
She looked about, jittery and nervous, ready to see the imposing soldiers again. She tried her best not look guilty or anything really, but it was hard when she felt as if a giant monster was breathing down her neck, ready to pounce at any moment. Nigan stood beside her, looking completely composed, and a little disinterested. He flashed her a quick smile and motioned for her to follow. 
Eve had been put with Nigan to scout a little ahead and return, and it looked like Nigan felt the job was done. They weaved their way through people wearing soft shirts made of some kind of fiber discovered two years ago, the kind that could change depending on what you wanted. there was brightly coloured hair, and silver hair, skins toned blue and green, eyes that had been altered so they were reptilian or cat like. Any and all fashion was allowed- after figuring out robots, humans went on to try and figure out themselves. Eve found it odd that she could properly refer to others as 'humans'.
The others were waiting, milling about aimlessly. Viggo grinned as she returned and she beamed back, happy to be with someone she knew and trusted again. Antonius motioned for Nigan to come over and report. They looked like a normal group of people, admiring the view but she could just hear Nigan muttering. 
Eve's smile melted as she looked around. She rocked uneasily on the balls on her feet, waiting for something terrible to happen. But nobody seemed to notice or care about them, and disregarded them as tourists. Yet eve felt as if something was off, as if their were eyes watching her from far above and from within the crowd watching their every movement waiting for the perfect ambush, the right opening, the perfect time. she grew more and more uneasy as Antonius discussed with Nigan.
Finally hey started move, and she followed happily. They must have looked like a normal group to everyone else, moving towards one of the hover bus stops. Ever since the human race moved from cars to hovering vecahiles the streets were nearly devoid of anything on wheels, while the skies were often quite crowded. 
The hover bus came right on time and their little group shuffled in quietly. Despite Eve's jumpiness the whole ride went smoothly and they were dropped off at the outskirts of the city. Nigan pulled her aside, with a kind smile.
"I know you're jumpy, it's plain as day. But right now is probably the most danger we've been in. The Ravens aren't dummies. and most likely are excepting us. Just keep your head down and your mouth closed and you should be fine." he patted her reassuringly, but Eve's nerves didn't calm down. Instead her eyes started to flicker from side to side as Antonius lead the group out of town. They had arranged for Thea, who wasn't with them, and Oscar to pick them up in a hover car on Last Ave., the road that would lead them out onto the highway.
Eve tried her best to follow Nigan's advice, but it felt as if her every move was being watched. They were nearing the meeting spot, and she could see, floating far above, a black and navy blue hover car, Thea's.
Something fell from a building above them. Then another something. Both hit the ground, making a sound like a stone would. Eve stopped to inspect them. They were small black and white pieces of metal, no larger than a pebble, but slightly heavier. She picked one up, and hurried up to the front of the group, eager to show Antonius.
"Antonius I found the-" a loud bang cut her off, like gun fire, and the smell of smoke soon followed. they were screams from the people around, and she looked up, searching for Thea's hover car, only to find it was the thing that was burning. People rushed around her, trying to get out of the way as the hover car descended to the ground, like a falling star, only one that brought doom with it, instead of good wishes. The group scampered back as well, trying to get out of the way, but close enough to rescue anyone if need be. 
Eve's thoughts jumped to Oscar and Thea, wondering if they had escaped, if they were even intact. A young girl with silver hair ran past her, purple eyes clearly showing fear, her mouth slightly agape. The hover car crashed, a deafening sound following, a mini-sun on ground, and skidded away from the people, leaving a long black mark on the road. 
Antonius made some sort of sign with his hands and Maria and Helen went forward, presumably to see if there was anyone hurt. They came back, ten minutes later with Thea and Oscar in tow, Thea being carried. 
"Any dead?" Antonius asked as they arrived.
"At least four, six badly hurt. Authorities should be here soon." Helen reported.  Antonius swore softly.
"We're going to have to rent a cab. Or call someone." he said, brow furrowed. Maria shook her head.
"We can't bring her to them yet, she barely even knows anything!" Maria argued.
"She's going to have to met it sooner or later, and seeing as the escape plan has failed, sooner seems to be a better option." Antonius replied stubbornly. 
"Just get us out of here, and quick. I can see the Ravens moving towards us." Vincent cut in impatiently, his voice shaking slightly. Maria scowled deeply as Antonius gestured for a ComLet. It stroke Eve as odd that he didn't carry one. Vincent gave him his and Antonius dialed a number and wandered a little ways off. 
Vincent paced impatiently, Maria's scowl seemed permanent, Nigan was muttering under his breath to Oscar and Viggo was tending to Thea. That left Helen open for conversation, and she looked rather dampened. Eve stood aside, minding herself. 
Antonius came back, shaking his head a little.
"We have a ride."
the ride turned up half an hour later, landing beside the highway, not too far from the city. It was a flat black, and sleek and stylish. the group wandered over to it, Helen carrying Thea, who had gone to sleep and was badly burned. the door was opened by a tanned young man with light brown hair that was welled groomed and intelligent grey eyes. He had a el;etronic clipboard in hand, and a nasty scowl played around his mouth. 
Antonius nodded the man as he stepped inside the car,as did the others. Viggo and eve were the last to go. The man raised an eyebrow questioningly.
"New one. Her name is Eve Wires." Viggo said simply. The man nodded and snapped his fingers once. Eve wondered why he didn't speak. Inside the hover car reflected it's outside- sleek and dark. The cockpit was blocked off by tinted glass. Towards the back, standing rigid as a statue was a person.
They were dressed in black- black, long shirt, pants that were just baggy enough to hide the shape of their leg, and an old fashioned cloak. Their face was covered by a mask, a flat black, the rim and eyes, done in an Egyptian style, were outlined in silver. Their hair was gathered into the hood of the cloak. The clothing didn't make it obvious if they were a woman or man.
"Welcome." the voice didn't give anything away as well. Eve stared, and felt a nudge on her back.
"Thank you." the words came, "My name is Eve Wires."
"I am simply called the Leader. I manage the Robotellion."
"It's a pleasure to meet you." Eve said, walking forwards a little and holding out her hand. A gloved hand met hers and shook it firmly, ending up on top of hers.
"Same to you. I have come to the understanding you are an android, correct?" the voice was so smooth, not too deep and not too high pitched.
"Android, robot, whatever you wish to call me."
"And your programmed name is Error?"
"Interesting. You are dismissed." and with that, the Leader marched through a concealed door.
Eve sat down, an eerie feeling coming over her. That...lady, man, whatever or whoever they were gave her a strange feeling. Like she was a bug under a microscope and they were studying her, not truly caring about her life. But there was something deeper, something that the voice couldn't quite cover up....excitement?Hostility? Fear? Awe?
She didn't know, but intended to find out.

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