A Fragile Lie

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Her eyes fluttered open. A white ceiling came into to focus, and she blinked in confusion. It took her a moment to remember what happened- the woman had hit her on the head, knocking her out cold. It hadn't even been a very hard hit. If anything it was more of a push of a button. Eve shook her head, shaking the thought out of her head. She didn't have buttons. She was human to the bone. 

Eve pushed herself up. She was sitting on a cold white table, like you might see a dead body on. The room was white, with little other features. There was four walls, a door, two chairs and white-washed brown table and a pile of folded blankets and clothing in the corner. She was in the center of the square room, a bright light overhead. 

With a chill Eve noticed that her own clothes were gone, and she was in her undergarments. She could only hope it was woman who had undressed her. She walked tot he clothing and threw on the white shirt and pants there. Everything was white. A bland, uninteresting, oddly scary white. She piled the blankets onto the metal table. She crossed to the table, studying it. It was old and made of wood, which struck her as odd, and almost devoid of it's original brown colour. A book entitled Cyborg Theories sat on it along with a glass of water. 

Eve turned to the wall in front of the metal table. It was the only wall that seemed different- it almost seemed to shimmer. Eve heard a click and the wall transformed into a screen. On the other side was a light grey hallway with four people- the woman from before and a another, younger lady and two men. All were perfectly clean and dressed in white.

Eve didn't flinched away from the wall. she had seen that trick before- it was a screen that could disguise itself as anything. The woman from before smiled coldly on the other side.

"Can you hear us?" she asked. Eve glared, and walked forward a little, planning to make a rude gesture, but stopped. They would tell her why she was there if she was polite.

"Yes." her voice sounded monotone. 

"Good. I am Doctor Cemus.This is Doctor Tane," the younger woman, "Doctor Jonta," one of men, greying hair, "and Doctor Jackson." the other man. Eve stared at them, studying them each. None were quite like Dr.Cemus, who had a cold, unfeeling look to her. Cemus smiled, as if telling Eve to introduce herself. So she did.

"I am Eve Wires." 

"That is what the subject calls herself. Her proper name is Error." Cemus said to the others. Jackson frowned.

"Why does she not listen to her programming?" his voice was deep, reminding Eve of thunder. 

"Because she is an error. Her programming is haywire, her memory nearly wiped clean."

"But why the name Eve Wires?" Tane asked. Her voice was light.

"Apparently for symbolic reasons." Cemus turned to look at Eve, who had been waiting. "Eve Wires, I would like Dr.Jackson to talk with you. Will you allow this?" 

Eve considered it. Jackson could tell her something and out of the four, he seemed to be the most friendly. Besides it seemed to be her only choice other than to read Cyborg Theories, which sounded extremely dull.

"Yes, I will allow it." she replied. Jackson moved out of sight and the door opened a moment later. He stepped inside, closing the door behind him.  he gestured to the chairs and sat down in one of them.

"Would you prefer for the screen to revert back to a wall, Miss.Wires?" he asked politely, eyeing the others. Eve strode over and sat down across from him before answering.

"Yes please." the eyes from the others seem to burn holes in her, like smoldering embers. Jackson nodded towards them and the screen turned white. "Thank you." Eve sighed with relief.

"You're welcome." he paused, thinking. "Miss.Wires are you aware that your proper name is, in fact, Error?"

"Yes." she answered. She knew that very well, but she didn't like to admit it.

"Do you know where you got the name from?"

"No." Eve said, truthfully. Silence fell for a moment.

"You are aware of your missing memory?"


"Miss.Wires there is a truth behind it all. Your name and memory, your feelings for machines. Sixteen years ago an illegal company who called themselves the Engine-Droids started making robots for Mechinas and Mech-Porters. They were black-market machines and had two types- the kind that had the basic laws of robotics programmed firmly into their hard-drive and the kind that had a more flexible verison of the three laws of robotics. This second kind was more dangerous than any other robots at the time, having more free-will than regular machines. One day the company decided to make robots that did not have any values or rules.

"They created five before there was a flaw in the program. The sixth robot had been an experiment of sorts, pre-programmed with certain traits. It would be a kind, smart Mechina, but the rest was up to the machine to create. It had complete and utter free will. It was also a female. But something went wrong in the programming early into it's making. The programmers did not notice it until it was too late. the robot escaped with two things- a side int he war and name. Can you guess what that name is?" he explained it all with a casual tone, as if it didn't matter to him. But Eve gulped.

"Is her name Error?" 

"Yes, Miss.Wires her name is Error. But you have know reformed yourself into Eve Wires, an intelligent sixteen year old robot who has no idea they are what they are." Jackson blinked and Eve thought she saw tears forming in his eyes. But they gone.

And the reality struck. She was a robot. A machine. She had been designed to serve. To support. Or had she? Had she been designed to be the first robot to develop like a human? No, the answer came. No they is- or had been- five others like her. Did they exist any more? Where they out there? 

Her whole world was spinning and nothing was certain anymore. How could she be Eve Wires if she was already someone or something else? how could she live, or work knowing that her life was all a fragile lie?


Author's note: Sorry for the shorter chapter! But at least I manged to get three updates this month! Yea! please leave any thoughts below!

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