chapter 2

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Billy Russo had only been seeing the glamorous Isabella Peña for a bit over a month, but he was already obsessed with her. It was all the little things that drew him to her. He loved the way her eyes always had that playful sparkle, and it drove him wild every morning when she would give him her signature smirk, knowing she had him wrapped around her finger.

And although Iz would never let him know it, he had her wrapped around his finger too. She longed for his touch when they were apart, and she tried to spend time with him whenever she could. He was different from anyone else she'd every been with because he made her feel special. She could see the adoration in his eyes whenever he looked at her.

One thing she particularly enjoyed about spending time with him was waking up together. She always slept with her head on his chest, and when they'd talk in the morning she felt perfectly content lying there while tracing all his scars with her fingertips.

"Iz," he murmured softly on a lovely morning in May, "you wanna be by girlfriend?"

She sat up and smiled down at him, "What's in it for me?"

"Not much," he half joked, "but I just... I don't want to sound sappy..."

"It's okay to have feelings, you know?" she rested on her elbow and started to run her fingers through his hair.

"I've never felt this way about anyone before," he admitted, "and after everything that's happened, trusting anyone with anything is terrifying, but I already feel like I can trust you with everything."

Isabella's heart soared when she heard those words, "It's called being in love, silly," she bit her lip, "And yeah, I'll be your girlfriend."

"You will?" he almost couldn't believe it.

"Of course," she laughed, "Why would I not want to be your girlfriend?"

"I dunno," he shrugged, "I guess it just feels like you should be with someone better."

"Better how?" she asked with confusion in her voice.

"I'm a nobody, Iz. I mean, you're part of a dynasty—"

"The fact that they made a TV show about my parents doesn't make me part of a dynasty."

"But that's more than I can say about my family."

"Oh please," she chuckled, "I seriously could've lived without having to watch lookalikes of my parents fucking on TV. Trust me, you don't want that."

"Fine, but like I said before, I'm a nobody, and you deserve more—"

She rolled her eyes, "Listen, if you're getting cold feet and trying to talk me out being in a relationship with you, you're doing a terrible job. You aren't a nobody to me, and that's what matters."

"I'm not getting cold feet," he cupped her cheek with his hand, "I just want to make sure you're sure. It isn't going to be easy, with me deploying soon and you moving back to DC for work."

"I'm prepared," she leaned down and kissed him softly, "don't worry."

He pulled her down onto his chest and held her tight, not ever wanting to let go. "I don't want to leave."

"Yes you do," she sighed, "You love it. You'll quit when you're ready."

"I'm gonna miss you."

She frowned at the thought of not being able to see him for months, "I'm gonna miss you too baby. I'll make sure to write."

"Just a warning, I'm terrible at writing letters," he traced his fingers in circles on her back. "I'm sure they won't even compare to yours."

"They'll do just fine," Iz felt overwhelmingly comfortable in his arms, like she could easily fall back asleep in them. "You want me to let you in on my little secret?"

the devil wears a suit and tie • billy russoWhere stories live. Discover now