chapter 16

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Isabella was thankful that Dinah was too busy with work to meet up while Billy was away. It was one less headache to deal with. She was still angry with Billy for not keeping her in the loop. Whatever happened with Frank affected her too, whether she was aware the situation or not, and Billy choosing to keep her out of decisions that had the potential to massively impact her life just didn't sit right.

She had to talk to her brother—he always had a way of setting her at ease, and if Billy thought he could just cut her out of the Frank thing, then she saw nothing wrong with telling her brother she was pregnant on her own. She knew just how badly Billy wanted to break the news together, so out of spite she would spill the beans herself. It probably wasn't the best day to stir the pot, given the fact that her husband had visited with his mother that morning, but she decided she would take her chances.

Hey Iz, Finn greeted warmly, we haven't talked in a little while, how are you?

"I'm doing alright," she sighed, "just a bit stressed with work and being married and all that fun stuff."

Is everything okay with you and Billy? Do I need to talk to him?

"Everything's fine, he's just been a bit of a protective prick lately, more so than usual."

Do you know why?


Are you gonna tell me?

She took a deep breath and smiled, "You're gonna be an uncle, Finn."

You're pregnant? Finn practically shouted through the phone, his excitement was palpable.

"I am, I just found out last week."

Is Billy excited?

"Of course he's excited. He's just nervous, and that's why he's been treating me like a porcelain doll these days."

Well, why don't you just let him? I know you love to be spoiled.

"There's a difference between spoiling me and lying to me about stuff with the business because he thinks if he tells the truth it's going to make me worry too much. I'm more worried now about things going on that I'm not aware of."

Ah, I understand, Finn paused, naturally he wanted to take his sister's side, but he had to put himself in Billy's shoes. If it were his wife, he'd probably be freaking out a little too, Try not to get too upset over it though, he's just doing it because he cares about you.

Iz clenched her jaw, just slightly bothered by the fact that even her own brother was taking Billy's side, "But what happens with the business affects me just as much as it affects him. I have a right to know, Finn."

Okay, I'll give him call, tell him to lay off.

"You don't have to do that... I just want you to see my point of view."

And I do, and I see his point of view too, that's why I'm going to talk to him. Man to man, you know?

"Just go easy on him, I've been giving him enough shit lately."

I promise I won't bust his balls too bad.

"I appreciate it."

So, what else is new?

"Not really, my life is just slowly being consumed by baby stuff."

Have you told Mom and Dad yet?

"I wanted to tell them in person. Probably when we go down there for Christmas."

Mom's gonna lose her mind.

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