chapter 4

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After spending a few more Christmases with the Peñas, Billy Russo came to the conclusion that he wanted to marry Isabella. After a more grueling than usual assignment in Afghanistan, he was ready to settle down and transition back into civilian life.

It was mail day, and Billy Russo eagerly awaited his package from Iz. He knew it would include the usual whiskey, but she'd told him there would be a special surprise this time, and he was desperate to know what it would be. Frank showed him his Springsteen tickets as he started to open his box.

"You got plans for when you get back?" Frank asked.

Billy only smirked as he thought about his reunion with Isabella, "Yeah, I got plans," he bit his lip when he fully opened the box to reveal a polaroid of his girlfriend completely topless. That must've been the surprise she was talking about. He quickly tucked the photo away so no one would see it as his cheeks flushed bright red.

"You good man?" Frank laughed, "What was that?"

"She's fucken with me," he groaned, "Iz knows this is the last package I'm getting for this deployment and she's gonna drive me crazy."

"I can't believe she's stuck with you this long."

"Neither can I," Billy smiled at the thought of finally seeing here again, "I'm finally gonna ask her to marry me when I get back."

"Good for you," Frank congratulated, "she's a good girl. You're a lucky man."

"I am," Billy nodded, and started to read her letter,

Mi amor,

They say a picture is worth a thousand words... so I'm going to keep this letter short and sweet.

I'm counting down the days until you come home. I've been celibate for far too long and I'm in desperate need of some action. Being a faithful military girlfriend is hard work. That's partially why I sent the polaroid. I'm feeling frisky and I can't stop thinking about you coming home and doing unspeakable things to me...

I hope you're in public when you read this letter, I need Frank to tell me what your reaction was to it when I see him.

All my love,

Billy quickly folded the letter up and tucked it away with the photograph.

"You look like you've seen a ghost," Frank remarked, "What's she say?"

"Uhhh," Billy wasn't quite sure how to describe what he just read, "let's just say she's really ready for me to come home."

"Ah," Frank nodded understandingly, "one of those. I'd say you've found your match if she can make you, of all people, blush like that."

"She's torturing me, you know it?" he sighed, "That polaroid was almost full tits, she was covering up with just her arm, and by the way she wants you let her know what my reaction was to reading that letter, and you'd better not tell her the truth or she'll never let me live it down."

"Hey man, I can't lie to Iz, she's like a human lie detector."

"That is true... do your best then I guess."

"What else did she send you?"

"The usual—" Before he could continue, they were called into a meeting with the colonel.

Both the colonel and the CIA operative explained a mission that was essentially a death trap, and when Russo tried to speak out against it, he was silenced.

"You might think you have a lot of pull because you're dating the director's daughter, Russo, but you don't. I'm calling the shots here, understand?"

Billy didn't feel the desire to reply. He didn't want to bring Iz into the conversation. She was innocent to it all. He didn't think being with her gave him any pull, he got more shit because of it if anything. He was ready to retire. He just had to survive the doomed mission and then everything would be okay. He would get to be a married man, and perhaps even a father.

Despite having been with Isabella for years, there was still a tiny nagging voice in the back of his head that told him he wasn't good enough for her, that she deserved more, and after much consideration, he finally figured out a plan to become the man he needed to be in order to marry her. He would start a military contracting company and by using his knowledge and her connections, he would finally be able to provide something substantial for her.

There were only two things he needed to set his plan in motion, money to start his company, and a way of getting honorably discharged. Eventually he would be given the opportunity to have those two things at an insurmountable cost, but that would be a story for a later time.


Isabella waited at the airport impatiently for her lover to return. She knew it was all terribly cheesy, but she still stood proudly with her welcome home sign. Maria and the kids had joined her, they all had signs too.

"Do you and Billy have any plans for tonight?" she asked.

"He said he wanted to go out for dinner, but we'll see. Honestly, I think he's going to be a bit too tired for that."

"Yeah, probably," she nodded. Isabella always looked to Maria for guidance in these sort of situations because she had many more years' experience with the whole military relationship thing. "Can you watch the kids for a moment? I have to run to the ladies room real quick."

"Of course," Isabella wasn't sure why she had to go when her husband would be arriving any second, but she was happy to spend time with the kids. They were like her niece and nephew at that point. Since getting a State Department job in New York to spend more time with Billy, the Castles were like her rock. She had tea with Maria at least once a week, and sometimes took Lisa into the city on shopping sprees. She had officially become Aunt Iz even though her and Billy weren't actually married yet.

Eventually Maria returned after some time, and soon enough they spotted their boys. Isabella ran and jumped into the arms of her love. He hugged her to tightly he lifted her off the ground.

"I missed you so much," Isabella said with happy tears streaming down her cheeks.

"The good news is, I'm never leaving again," he smiled, "I'm done now. I'm here to stay."

She stared at him in disbelief, "Really?"

"Yeah," he nodded eagerly and let her go, "yeah I'm all yours," her heart just about stopped as he started to get down on one knee and pull a light blue ring box out of his pocket, "and I'd really like to spend the rest of my life with you, if you'll let me.

She was speechless. She knew what she wanted to say, but couldn't form the words, so she just nodded, and watched in awe as he slid the ring on her finger. Everyone clapped, even the kids. He hugged her again, "I love you so much, Iz. I can't imagine anyone else I'd rather marry."

"Neither can I," she finally kissed him. They kept it short and sweet since there were still kids watching. "How'd you get the ring?"

"I had Maria pick it up for me," he bit the inside of his cheek, "A lot of planning went into it, and honestly I didn't know if I could pull it off."

"Well, you did," she grinned tearfully, "come on, let's go home so you can get cleaned up and changed, and then we can have a nice dinner."

"I'm dead tired Iz," he sighed, "but I'll go out for dinner if you take a shower with me."

Iz's eyes widened and she smacked his chest lightly, "There are children here," she then smirked, "but you have yourself a deal."

In that moment, everything was perfect. Two men had just returned home to their sweethearts, and there was a wedding on the horizon. The world was right. Everything was exactly how it was supposed to be. No one had any clue about the pain and death that would come in the following weeks, or the agonizing grief that would stem from it—no one except Billy Russo.


a lil shorty chapter to set up the shit that's about to go downnnnn. i'm kind of glazing over the beginning part of their relationship so we can get to the main plot

the devil wears a suit and tie • billy russoWhere stories live. Discover now