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A/N: This a a ramble not a poem. Read at your own risk.

I've decided that a new word should be added to the pop culture dialect. I believe that as a generation we are greatly in need of a word that would help identify a certain group of people, the fake hippies. I propose that the word "Fippy" be added to our everyday life, the same as hipster.
Now you must be asking, what exactly is a "fake hippy?" Well my good friend and fellow truth seeker, a fake hippy is a person who pretends to be part of the hippy ideology, peace, love, freedom for all and a brotherhood of man, yet they support capitalism and consumerism. They dress the part, high end and potentially organic bags, typical round glasses made famous by the hero that was John Lennon and to complete the look a collection of either buttons or pins proclaiming just how hippy they are.
Granted, hippy and hipster share an origin and similar meaning of keeping up with what's hip. That being said the two have extremely different cultures. it is the merging of these cultures that causes the aforementioned group, Fippy.

Here is the word as it would appear in the dictionary.

Fippy (noun)
• A person who pretends to be into the hippy culture because it's currently in style.
• A word associated with a style of dress that reflects hippy values while still remaining modern.

Hey did you see the new hippy girl?
You mean the one with the nose ring and dyed hair? She looks more like a Fippy to me.

Look at all these Fippies complaining about how they couldn't fit another piercing on their ear.

Okay ramble over. Thanks for reading, or skimming if the case may be.

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