I am in control

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Jungkook took a deep breath as he stared at the unconscious Kai in front of him.

He tried to control himself.

Yes he can't kill the latter. But he can surely hurt him.

Taehyung was hurt.

Played in his mind on loop.

Kai's wrist were tied to together to a rope above him as he kneeled on the ground.

Jungkook knows that he doesn't have a lot time as his dad's on the way to rescue Kai from him.

So he nodded at one of the guard in the room. And the ice-cold water was splashed on the tied man.

Kai opened his eyes with a loud gasp. The water trickled down from his now wet body.

Jungkook witnessed his confusion when he gained conscious. And how it all came upto him when his eyes the mafia boss.

His eyes conveyed how scared he was. And it gave Jungkook a boost.

The dark haired man loves when he sees fear in his enemies.

It reminds him of how powerful he actually is. It satisfies his ego.

"Finally your awake. " said  Jungkook in a dark and thick voice.

"Let's have some fun now . Shall we ?"  He muttered with crazy grin.


A cry of the pain was heard in the basement.

Kai was breathing heavily.

Sweat and blood covered his whole torso. But Jungkook was still not satisfied.

The fire of rage was still there. He walked to the table and took the whip in his hand.

"Please."  came out a voice above than a whisper.

"I accept my defeat. I loose. Leave me. Please." He begged.

The mafia boss chuckled.

"So soon. I have a lot planned for you. "


"Well  my Taehyung gave you chances to accept your defeat in past but you didn't.

And I don't give chances easily."

From all the exhaustion and pain Kai's eyes were on the verge of being closed.

Jungkook neared Kai and was ready to deliver another hit.

"Jungkook stop."  came a voice and he looked up to see his dad on the doorway.

The mafia boss scoffed but threw the whip on the ground.

"You're here dad."

The old man glared at him and Jungkook did the same. But soon he let out a long sigh. His son's not the one to get down easily.

"The competition's over. Kai accepted his defeat. Let him go now."

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