Prove it

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"Then how are you so sure that the plate with the poison is with me. And not with you ? " Countered Taehyung with a smirk as he leaned back on his chair. Hands folded to his chest.


Mr. Jeon looked at Taehyung in disbelief and dropped his cutlery on his plate.

He scoffed looking at Taehyung.

" You are more brave then before Taehyung." He commented. His voice cold.

Taehyung smirked and leaned on the table. His folded hand on the surface.

"The last time we met I was an ordinary boy who was clueless about everything. But now I am Jeon Taehyung husband of Jeon Jungkook. I know a lot of things father in law. "Said Taehyung in deep voice.

Taehyung is not afraid of him. And he's showing it.

The old man dropped all his act and looked straight in his eyes.

"Since you're smarter then I thought let's just get to business. " He deadpanned.

His aura changed drastically. He was cold now. His eyes looked more darker and more scarier.

But Taehyung didn't flinch a bit. He expected it.

The blond again leaned back on his seat getting comfortable. He picked up his wine glass and looked at him in the eye.

"Let's get to it then. " said Taehyung with a grin and took a sip of the beverage.

"I am not happy about your wedding. "

"I figured ." was the only reply Taehyung gave.

"Jungkook is married to you now. He's bound to you. Now he's has a weakness and it's you. And I hate it. I hate weaknesses. That's why I never got married"

" I'm not his weakness. I am his strength. I can even win against you without him. Wanna see? " Said Taehyung coldly as he placed the glass on the table.

"That's what you think Taehyung. But you're clearly a weakness. And I don't want a heir who has a   weakness."

"What are you trying to say ?" Questioned the blond with furrowed eyebrows.

"I don't want Jungkook as my heir now." Said Mr. Jeon simply.

"What ?" Exclaimed Taehyung in shock.

He knows Yoongi told him to be calm but this is not a thing he can act calm on. It's about Jungkook and Jungkook's rights. He will even fight if he have to. He's not backing out.

"You heard it clearly Taehyung."

"I don't know why are saying this. But let me tell you Jungkook is the only one who deserves the company and all the business. He worked hard for it for all these years. I am not letting his hard work go to waste. Understand it. " Said Taehyung through gritted teeth.

"Yet he will give all this up for you in a second. He won't hesitate. "Countered Mr. Jeon.

"There will never be a situation in which Jungkook will have to choose between us. I assure you that."

Mr. Jeon chuckled.

"You don't know future Taehyung. You don't."

"I am strong enough to protect myself. There's no need for Jungkook to help me. So let him have his rights. "Said Taehyung.

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