A business trip

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"What are you watching ? "Asked Jungkook as he joined his husband on the couch.

"Nothing. "Replied Taehyung as turned off the tv and  looked at his husband.

Just then Jungkook noticed that Taehyung was only wearing a white robe.

And Damn Taehyung looked so hot.

"Jungkookie I'm bored." Whined Taehyung.

And Jungkook reluctantly looked away from the golden tanned legs to look at his beautiful face.

"So we should do something about it. We can't let you  get bored. Or now can we." Said Jungkook playfully as he scooted closer to him.

Taehyung just giggled in response. And placed his hands on the back of latter's neck pulling him closer.

There faces were so close. Both staring at each other with all much love.

Both always cherished moments like this.

Jungkook slowly moved more closer. And Taehyung closed his eyes welcoming other's touch.

Thier lips met as they stilled enjoying the moment.

Yet soon Jungkook started moving his lips. And Taehyung just let the Mafia boss dominate him.

A whimper escaped his lips as Jungkook bit his pink lips.

Both wanting more of the other.

Jungkook dived in his neck. And was about to place butterfly kisses on his collarbone.

Taehyung played with the dark strands of his hair.

When a knock on their door disturbed them.

Jungkook groaned annoyed. And was about to get up.

But the blond pulling him in a kiss again.

"Ignore it. "He whispered.

Jungkook kissed him back and smiled.

He pulled back from the sweet kiss.

"I wish I could babe. But I can't."

Taehyung pouted annoyed.

"Don't pout now. We'll continue it later." Said Jungkook and pecked Taehyung.

He walked upto the door and opened it.

Taehyung just stood there with a pout on his face. He was so mad.

"Yes David"

"Boss something  important needs your attention in office." Informed the guard.

"Oh okay come in and wait. I'll just   change my clothes. "Said Jungkook and moved to his room.

Taehyung heard the whole conversation and sighed.

There goes our time. He thought bitterly.

He again sat on the couch as the guests stood a few meters away from him. The blond adjusted his robe.

"David Jungkook was saying that I should improve my shooting skills. So will you help me ? "Asked Taehyung with an annoyed smile.

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