Kill Me First

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Taehyung and jungkook loved each other madly. There's was no doubt in it

Many people called taehyung gold digger but the truth is that at that time taehyung didn't even knew that jungkook is the future heir of jeon empire or is related to mafia stuff.

To taehyung jungkook would always be the shy guy in school who was not even able to look him in the eyes at first , who always looked at taehyung as he is a precious gem. Taehyung thought jungkook parents were like his middle class not rich nor poor as the latter never flaunted his wealth or talked about it.

Taehyung had proved it many times that he loves jungkook for who he is not for his money.Taehyung truly loves his boyfriend.


When taehyung woke up from his nap he was still in lover's arms sitting on his lap sideways. And a blanket was draped over him. The difference was just that jungkook was not on couch and on his desk chair.

From Taehyung's shuffling jungkook looked down and saw his lover's warm brown eyes looking back at him.

Jungkook smiled at the latter and asked " had a good sleep baby? "

To which Taehyung just nodded and cuddled close to jungkook.

"Are you hungry? "jungkook asked.

Taehyung again nodded in Jungkook's neck

Jungkook continued to smile at his adorable behavior.

"Do you want to eat here or want to go home?" Questioned the mafia boss .

"Wanna go home" came a cute muffled reply.

"Alright doll let me call jimin he will drop you ". Said younger

Taehyung mumbling a quite" ok"
Jimin came after jungkook's call and looked at his best friend with heart eyes. Sleepy taehyung is everyones weakness.

"Jimin hyung please drop Taehyung home and also can you please bring the hyun project file too it's in my work room? " Asked Jungkook

" Sure kook" replied jimin.

After jungkook nudged taehyung. The older slowly looked up to jimin and mumbled a "good morning jiminie" with a boxy smile as he felt refreshed now.

"More like afternoon taebear" Jimin replied with a chuckle.

Taehyung just pouted but got up from Jungkook's lap already missing the warmth of his love.

"Bye kookie i will see you at home and don't overwork yourself understood. " tae said

" Understood now come here give me a kiss don't deprive me of them" jungkook said with a chuckle

Tae smiled and leaned down giving him a long kiss and mumbling a quick" i love you. "

" I love you too" jungkook replied as he saw tae walking out with jimin.

When tae reached the door he turned around and gave latter a flying kiss and waved at him

Jungkook made an action to catch his kiss put his hand on his chest where his heart is and winked at taehyung.

Tae left the room while blushing.


Taehyung and Jimin were going to the parking lot which was in the basement of the company while tae was talking animatedly to jimin.

They were in the hall. When tae saw two of Jungkook's man holding someone. That person was looking down.

They were going to turn around the corner when they heard someone saying stop.

The guards and jimin looked in the direction where the voice came from and the order was from taehyung.

Tae made his way to them as jimin followed behind.

"Look up" tae said to the person who was in the guard's grasp when he reached there.

Jimin just looked confused and the guards gulped knowing that their boss's fiànce is standing in front of them.

Seeing the latter not moving Taehyung turned to jimin "hyung he's the guy that tried to kill kook when we were on dinner right?" Taehyung asked and jimin nodded.

Tae glared at the latter. And shocked everyone when Taehyung kneed the latter in his stomach.

Due to sudden hit latter kneeled down as pain was too much.

Taehyung also squatted down to his height and looked at the latter "when i say look up you look up understand."

The latter nodded and looked Taehyung in his eyes. The latter knew his death is near. And not wanting a painful one he obeyed quietly.

"Good " said the latter satisfied.

" You tried to kill my love in front of my eyes. And you probably would have if i didn't saw you lurking in the shadows. You fired a shot from your gun and let me remind that you will never be able to kill him as long as i am alive. You would have to kill me first. "Tae said with a cold expression.

" Just like that day i will always jump in front of him and will gladly take the shot. You did wrong messing with my lover. I wish God would have given you few more brain cells and you would have not even thought about doing it." Taehyung continued.

Yes it's true Taehyung jumped in front of jungkook and took the shot for him and thankfully the bullet only grazed latter's hand. Their was not even one scratch on jungkook.

And to say jungkook was not furious was understatement. His baby got hurt while saving him. He destroyed the mafia group who sent the guy to kill him and caught the latter. He wanted to torture the latter before killing him as because of him taehyung shed some of his blood.

That was one of the times Taehyung proved his love for jungkook.


After taehyung was done he got up and looked down at the guy and again said "kill me first i will never let anything bad happen to kook. I will always be his shield and protect him understood."

Latter nodded quietly with tear in his eyes.

Tae looked at the guards and smiled at them saying" take him now politely"

Guards nodded and lifted the latter taking him away

Now tae turned to his hyung and said "come on jiminie i am hungry i want to some bagels"and started walking out.

Jimin nodded and just followed him as he already knows now how protective the boy is of jungkook and smiled.


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