Chapter 4

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Meanwhile , In Roy Chaudaries's Haveli Bondita was sitting in chair in the study room and MasterJi was standing in front of her .

' Shh - Shh , Don't cry I hate you when you cry , You are the good girl . Good girls don't cry . Now stop Crying ' He said playfully caressing her hair  while she was sobbing .

She saw the wall clock it was 5 PM she got up from seat ignored him and tried to run but she got caught . He hold her arms made her seat but he didn't leave his hands from her it was still holding both her hands .

' How dare you to leave from the class without asking me , Your Pati Babu didn't taught you manners . But no worries I'm there , I'll teach you everything ' Said angrily making her flinch .

' Please let me go , I don't want to study (sobbing) Please don't come here from tomorrow onwards ' listening to her words he evilly laughed .

' Okay as you say , Tell all these things to Pati Babu that you're not interested in studies , If he asked me to resign then I'll not come here ' Bondita was shocked by listening to his words , She can't say that to Pati Babu that now she  want to discontinue studies , If she does he'll be hurt . She don't want to break Pati Babu's heart .

' But don't you dare to tell that whatever happened today to anyone . You don't know what person I'm capable of . If anyone especially your Pati Babu, If he got to know slightly about this thing then you don't know what can I do . I'm the monster who's disguise in human being ( staring her dangerously ) One wrong step can risk yours mother life , Your mother lives in Devipur village with your maama- maami and also she is widow , Am I Right ? ' He threatened her and was staring at knife , His words were ringing continuously , Her body froze and she was numb don't know what to react . She can't risk her mother's life , She is only one who is  everything for her . She can't even think of losing her .

MasterJi left after threating her . She kneel down and lean towards the chair and hold the legs tightly buried her face in knees and cried endlessly . She thought at first that she would disclose  everything to Pati Babu as she didn't took MasterJi's threats seriously , But now she can't stake her mother's life , Her heart was beating very fast  . Her whole mind was showing the flashback of beautiful moments  of her and with her mother .

After few hours later , At Dinner time every one where present except Anirudh and Bondita .

' Bihari , Where is Anirudh ? He didn't come home yet ' asked Trilochan . Before Bihari could answered Anirudh came back to home .

' Kaka I'm back , Sorry for coming late ' Anirudh apologized to Kaka while entering to dining area and seated in dining chair .

' No no Anirudh why are you saying sorry , You are the Barrister and especially a social worker it doesn't look good when you apologise And It's not too late I think you came before time . ' Said Trilochan in a sarcastic way .

' Kaka - ' replying back to Kaka innocently .

' What Kaka , There is no use to say something to you . Leave it .' Said Kaka annoyingly.

Koyli entered in dining area with the tray of dishes and kept in table carefully .

' Koyli where is Bahu , From the time I came into Haveli I didn't saw her . Where is she ? ' asked Trilochan worrying about Bondita . Anirudh looked to Koyli and waited for her answer .

' Bade Maalik umm Bahurani ji is in room , I'd called her ' she told to Trilochan .

' Isn't it strange that Bahu is in Haveli there is not a sign of her childhisness or any questions ' asked Trilochan curiously , Anirudh thought about this deeply he even felt strange .

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