Chapter 14

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' Saudamini how dare you ? how dare you to do that disgusting thing . I still can't believe believe you were the person who was behind in all those crimes .. ' He marched towards her hastily and hold Saudamini's arm with a tight grip . He was burning in rage when he heard her words about Bondita .

For a moment time was stopped and their breathe skipped when they heard the voice , They were rooted to the spot and body stopped moving and they were trembling in fear . After hearing the voice they turn around and their eyes wide open and chill ran through their spine by glancing at that person , Now they knew no one can save them from that person and there is no place left to escape .

' Anirudh please listen to m..' Her words were cut off , her voice was shaking when she was speaking to him and she didn't dare to look into his eyes .

Right now Anirudh was like a fireball which can burn anyone whoever come in between . His was glaring her so furiously as if his eyes were burning in rage his whole face was deep red , He was so in anger that he can loose his control .

' Saudaminii why did you do that ? Why ? Why Saudamini ? Say Something .. ' He was yelling at her at high pitch and she was shivering words were not coming from her side . Anirudh was holding her arms with tight grip and she was wincing in pain .

' What was her fault ? What Bondita that little girl did to you Saudamini ? That you punished her so badly . Did you even saw her condition . In such a small age she gone through so much . Saudamini why did you this ? What she did to you ? I'm asking you Saudamini what she did to you that you made her life miserable . Saudamini I'm .. ' He roared at the top of his lungs making everyone shiver but soon his words were stopped .

' Yes I did all these things , Do you know why because she became hurdle in my life . She snatched all my happiness . She came between us . She stole my love and you . She is the reason that I couldn't marry you which was my dream . How can I keep silence when someone snatched my happiness . So I made her life hell . And I don't even regret it whatever I did . Whoever come in between us that person will never live happily . Bondita would had died if you didn't come on time . I wanted to kill he.. ' She was speaking with full rage but soon her words when she saw Anirudh raised his hand but he stopped midway .

' Saudamini you should thank that you are a woman , If you were a men I don't know what I would have done . And second thing Bondita didn't married me I married her that's the difference . Now I think it's the best decision I had made after watching your true colours . If you really loved me then you could have understood me and never harmed her . Saudamini whatever you did it was not love it was purely madness . You were so indulged in your hatred that you forget to identify that what is wrong and what is right .' He said being furious .

' Anirudh to whom you are trying to make understand . ' A strong voice came over from the entrance door .

' From the first day itself I got suspicious over her . When she was falling sick . Now I'm damn sure it was all her drama to come close to you . ' He said in an anger.

' Da how did you come here .. ' Before Binoy could complete his sentence he received the tight slap from Trilochan .

' Don't call me 'Da' you have lost that right when you join the hands with Bhaumik & his daughter . Okay first let me answer your question I came here to look Anirudh he was not in Haveli I asked Bihari where is he ? He told he is in Saudamini's house to meet her and asking about her health . This made me furious and In straight away came to this House .And I thank Dugga Ma to sending me at right time and I got to know the truth . I'm not that suprised that when I heard Saudamini & her Baba were behind all these but when I come to know that even you are also the culprit it shooked me like some one slipped the floor beneath me . Binoy how could you do that ? That child is our daughter in law , She is daughter in law of Roy Chaudaries's . ' Trilochan said .

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