Chapter 11

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Bondita was lying in bed unconscious and Anirudh was sitting in chair beside the bed . His eyes were stuck at her , his eyes were gazing her without any blink and tears were flowing from his eyes without his consent .
He can't see his little girl in that condition . How much she had beared in such a tiny age , What she would be thinking and how many questions were arising in her brain when she was facing that torture .

Thinking about all these things he was sobbing more , Bondita's sufferings were making him guilty it was killing him inside , Seeing her in this condition was breaking him . Soon he heard some voices which were coming from down floor , He wiped his tears and went down .

At drawing room , Trilochan was instructing something to Koyeli there was a tray in her hands which were carrying ' Khichadi ' and ' Almond milk ' . Trilochan face was describing anger frustation and guilt . He was yelling at Koyeli .

' What is this ? I asked you to make Khichdi in a liquid form but still it is thick what if she eat it and the morsel will get stuck in her throat . I will fire you from this job right now if you made one more mistake . ' He roared at Koyeli .

And then Trilochan and Koyeli were going to Bondita's room but stopped by Anirudh , He entered the hall and witnessed the their whole conversation and then he stopped them in midway .

' Arre Anirudh you are here , You didn't go out yet for the work . Anirudh why are you breaking your routine for someone who not even exist in your life . ' Trilochan said making Anirudh frown .

' Kaka what are you saying ? Do you understand what are you speaking ' He almost yelled at him .

' Anirudh did I say something wrong , I'm sorry . See your close friend Saudamini is sitting in sofa waiting for you . Don't you guys want to go to Party still is not that late you guys can go and Listen don't need to come early enjoy fully and here we all are there we will will manage . ' Trilochan's words were shocking for everyone .

Everyone was present in drawing room . Saudamini who was sitting in sofa with Dida , Binoy and Bhaumik were standing and Bihari was standing in the corner . Bhaumik and Dida came few minutes ago for fake showing concern . Everyone was astonished listening to Trilochan's words and he was stunned .

' Kaka I can't understand why are you saying these things , And I don't want to argue with you . Koyeli give me this tray I will make her eat , ' He says while composing his anger now his only priority is Bondita now he don't want to quarrel with Trilochan .

He started to move but Trilochan stopped him and snatched the tray from him and kept at the table , making him and everyone confused .


Trilochan slapped Anirudh across his face making everyone stunned and Anirudh shocked . There was complete silence in Haveli . Anirudh kept his hand at face and look at Trilochan who was very furious at that moment .

' Stop it ! Just stop it Anirudh . How much can you act don't you get tired . You behave like that nothing had happened . Today whatever had happened with my Bahu you are responsible for this , Yes you are culprit you are responsible for her condition . Did you think what could have happened if you didn't reached at the right time , Bondita your wife would have been ra.... ' Trilochan words were cut off .

' Kakaaaaaa ' He screamed at top of his lungs ,every word of Trilochan were piercing his heart and everything he was saying was truth to him , Yes he was responsible for her condition , Trilochan words were true , He was blaming and cursing himself for not protecting his wife he was listening to his words silently while weeping but he didn't let Trilochan to complete his sentence , He can't hear that that disgusting horrid word no he can't .

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