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It was morning in area 50 something all were up and about , the monsters lounging around and Y/N oversleeping until he got woken up by an electrical explosion , he rushed out to see Susan with crazy hair and askes what's happening .


I walk up to the monsters and ask link what was happening , he said Susan had been trying to turn normal again and I understood everything . I look over to Susan who seemed a little bit taller and was spotting a new hairstyle of crazy hair and I had to admit she was kinda cute . I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts and blushed in embarrassment , I checked to see if anyone noticed but no one did so I was in the clear .

I left all the crazy thoughts behind and decided to hang out with the monsters , as we were talking food came out and I had to stop staring at everyone's choose of food . Doc Cockroach was eating rubbish and by that I mean real rubbish , trash , thrown away waste . Bob was eating anything , he's food consisted of candy , cake and what not , which was all normal expect for the fact that he was also eating the candy wrappers , the plates , the forks and anything his jelly body could dissolve which was everything .

Link was eating fish , be it raw , cooked , uncooked , fresh or even rotten . As for Susan and I it was a plate of porridge but Susan's was bigger to accommodate her size . As we were eating they started asking me about my monster name or something , but I didn't have one . I found out that Susan was called Ginormica , Link was Link  , Bob was the Blob , Doc Cockroach was Doc and the bigger monster was the thing ( kkkk I can't remember it's name ) .


As this was happening a meeting was taking place discussing what happened last night


A young couple has just discovered a giant robot during their late night activities , it had crash landed not a few metres from their car , being quickly frightened they had notified the authorities who in turn notified their higher ups leading to the arrival of the president and his armed guards .

The president had played a song on the keyboard to the robot , who had only looked on at the specktical , after the president's spectacular performance the robot started to rampage causing the the army and such to attack in retaliation , even the president put in a few shots but the robot had a protective barrier around it . The robot started to move inward into the city , everyone fled to regroup and make a battle strategy .


General Monger then came up with the idea to use the monsters against the robot in a grand slam battle of monster Vs robot . He showed everybody the monsters he has and their bio and during every monster showing the president's secretary would let out a scream of fright until General Monger had her thrown out .

The president agreed to the idea and got up to get himself some coffee .

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