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Hey guys it's been long . Yes I am alive shocking I know . A lots happened since I last wrote , I finally conquered the bane of life known as High School  , move to Dubai and all that .

But now I face a greater smudge on life which is known by the most scariest of names , even I fear to utter this foul creatures name , WORK , yes that's right I'm working now  🥲🥲🥲

Disclaimer:: I own nothing of this show known as Monsters  vs Aliens

With the legalities out of the way let's get into the story

(Y/N's POV)

That party was weird as heck and that's coming from a guy who can practically change his body size at will (albeit I can't control it as of now) ,  besides that I'm surrounded by oddities all the time .

I hung around Susan because the guys where too much for my taste . Susan was visibly disappointed a lil bit , I ask her what was wrong and you guessed it she was hoping to see her fiance but I guess he thought his job was more important

We wound up going on an adventure , me and the giantess as I was bundled up in her hair

Susan's arrival at Derricks job the reception was not welcoming as usual  like come on she's like everyone else just a lil taller than normal and you act like it's that serious

Either way Susan let me down as she went to talk to Derrick , I felt a pang as I could definitely see the way her eyes light up in joy

Derrick being the idiot he was broke up with Susan . Susan was such a great woman , I've know her for a short time but I understand that at least (mc falls in love too quick don't you think 😉)

The rest of the team shows up as Susan was venting about how her ex was such an idiot and such

Ohhh no she's getting physical I gotta move , this was the thought process I had when Susan moved forward to kick where me and everyone else were sitting  , I guess it wasn't me only who thought this as I see the Doc and link move too

Only Bob stayed and was launched away into orbit ( He's blasting off again 🤣 ) then after a moment of us looking into the heavens we are graced by his presence as he laughs and says Susan should launch him again

We managed to calm down the white haired giant that was throwing a tantrum then we start having a calm conversation

A blue light suddenly shines down on Susan and she starts floating up , I mean like she always looked angelic but this is too much

Giagantasoraus tried helping but he got hit , we lost a man. With one teammate gone and the other kidnapped things were not looking great at all

Well Susan been abducted and gigantasoraus is dead what's gonna happen to our mc and how will the gang handle this hurdle , find out next time on this episode of dragon balls........ wait this is the wrong show , catch y'all later

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