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I had just woken up to the sound of blaring sirens and the flashing of neon red lights , I rushed out of my room to find everyone in the amphitheatre including General Monger , he said he had a deal for everyone .

Showing us a video of what happened with the giant robot from space , he said that if we could defeat the robot before it destroys everything we could go back to normal society .

As he said this I was so excited and my powers went on the Fritz causing me to shrink and giagantify sparodically in a continuous loop until I calmed myself down . I quickly apologized and told the general to continue .

"This was a direct order from the president of the United States of America " he said . After knowing this I knew it was a big deal which would be very beneficial so I agreed .

Everyone else agreed and the preparations began , we all suited up and went to the transportation dock to board the chopper that would take us to where the robot was which was in the city , the chopper dropped us near to where the robot was .

We all stared at it with varying expressions , but mostly in wonder . Cockroach looked at it as if he wanted to melt it down and see how it works .

Susan was a little fearful so I just gave some motivational words of courage , after this she gave me a quick smile and she steeled herself .

We approached the robot and when we needed it it started scanning everyone until it got to Susan and it's green eye turned red as it started attacking and going after Susan .

We tried to subdue it but the shields were a bother I tried all I could be it shrinking or growing but the shields were impervious . We eventually ended up at the golden gate bridge where Susan was at a stalemate of strength with the robot .

Doc Cockroach was able to bypass the shields and enter into the robot dismantling it's circuitry at the cost of the bridges destruction .

After that we were hailed as heroes by the people in a somewhat awkward way . As promised by the general we were free and as I had little places to be I hung around at Susan place where everyone received an odd reception even Susan herself , very odd .

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