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(Y/N)'s POV

'Im so lost right now , how did I get here , where am I , what the hell is happening ' these were some of the thoughts going through my head . As I was lost in thought I didn't notice the door open or the general from earlier enter .

'I see you are awake ' were the words that broke me out of my thoughts . I freaked out , I had thought I was on my on , I looked ahead to see the jetpack wearing general in front of me .

"Where am I , why am I here , why did you tranq me , I'm hungry" , these were the first words that came out of my mouth . He just stared at me emotionlessly and blandly asked if I was done , after a brief stare-down
I conceded.

"Follow me" , he blandly said and since I didn't have a choice I did , he led me to a cafeteria like area and told me to sit down . He told me that we were at area 51 and that I was here because of the meteorite incident .

As I was about to ask more the doors opened and the following entered

As I was about to ask more the doors opened and the following entered

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(Minus the Robot )

As I laid my eyes on them I got stuck on white haired giantess , WOW was she a beauty , I was shaken out of my stupor by the walking blue jelly .

General Monger told me that these were my new teammates and this is were I got lost , 'Teammates , why do I need teammates ' , I had gone into a daze .

The general said we would be detained there until further notice . I had a lot of questions but general jetpack wouldn't answer them so I just stayed quite .

As he left us to our devices , we began to introduce ourselves , I found out the jelly was Bob , the cockroach was incidentally called doc cockroach , the fish ape was Link and finally the giantess who was called Susan .

Bob was born from the injection of an experimental chemical into a tomato

Link was on ice till scientists found him buried underground in Antarctica .

Doc cockroach was a scientist who wanted to find a way to give of the cockroaches tenacity to survive but wound up experimenting on himself and turned into a human cockroach

The unnamed giant of a beast was just a larvae of a butterfly that fell into a nuclear power plant and was mutated

And last but not least Susan who funnily was also hit by a meteorite and exposed to foreign energies . It has happened on her wedding day and she started growing during the ceremony .

All their tells were intriguing and I believed it would be fun to be around them. With that we noticed the time had gone by so fast and we left to our sleeping quarters .

As I was about to sleep the last thought to pass through my mind was how this could be interesting


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