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"We could have been something great

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"We could have been something great."

That's what Nuna's heard every single day of her entire life from her wicked parents. The Hollis Family would've been so great... If it wasn't for her.

Nuna's life had been planned out ever since she was born. It was supposed to be perfect. Well, it should've been perfect if it wasn't for one little factor about her.

The Hollis family was one of the noblest, prestigious, and most controversial families known in the Wizarding World. The reason they were the most infamous, was because of their blood. They were known to hold a mean blood prejudice towards anyone, but what made them unique was one thing.

They weren't part of the Sacred 28.

People questioned why they tried so hard to fit in with them, but even Nuna had no idea why.

That didn't stop her parents from being close friends with the majority of the Sacred 28 families and being insanely rich. Not to mention, like all pureblood families, she had to marry a pureblood.

That was all bullshit to her, though.

She didn't care about what blood someone had in their system. Blood was blood. Scientifically, there was no possible way blood could be "dirty" in the way that her family makes it out to be. However, no one ever listened to her opinion. So, she stayed silent and would pretend to be just as awful as the rest of her parents and sisters.

One thing about Nuna: She knew there was at least one person in this world whose blood could be seriously dirty.


She's known that fact since she was a kid. Her parents refused to acknowledge it, and her sisters bully her about it, but she's accepted her fate. She knew the worst thing she could do was pretend she was normal until the day where it would all bite her back in the arse.

What she found so dramatic about her life was how secretive Nuna's existence had been ever since her family found out about her little predicament. For years no one knew Nuna existed. They still don't.

The Hollis family was known to only have four members. Nova Cothens-Hollis, her mother. Giovanni Hollis, her wretched father, and the stars of the family. The two, yeah, you heard me. Just two daughters. Delilah and Abril Hollis. The princesses.

But where would that leave Nuna? Exactly. Nowhere. Just like how everyone wants. For her to be out of the picture. She will be soon, anyway, but the past few years had just been the same.

Stay at home.

Homeschool with private teachers and hanging out with the house-elves.

And If she had to go out in public, make sure no one knows she was a Hollis.

It gets boring but no one ever asks her if she's content with how life goes. She wasn't.

But, for now, she would live her life the way she wanted without anyone telling her otherwise. If they did test her then, well, she could always mention her "blood," and it would usually shut them up pretty quickly.

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