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Sirius watched Nuna from the back of the classroom with deep intent

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Sirius watched Nuna from the back of the classroom with deep intent. What intent you may ask?

He had no idea.

Nuna felt the man's eyes piercing on her, as the burning sensation his glance sent imprinted onto her. She occasionally turned around to chat with the Gryffindor girl behind her and avoided Sirius's obvious glance.

Slughorn was late again so the students gradually grew chatter as more free time passed.

The Marauders slowly but eventually stopped trying to snap Sirius out of his delusions as their attempts always failed. No matter what, Sirius's eyes would somehow always make their way back onto Nuna as if their only job is to stare at her for ages.

As Nuna continued her average conversation with her acquaintance, her eyes couldn't help but occasionally meet Sirius's. Their eyes would lock, before she quickly moved past his, as if she was instead casually thinking of something random rather than staring. 

Sirius noticed her see him staring at her for just a few seconds which still was enough time for him to quickly change his glance to a clock on the wall. He continued staring at the clock, hoping Nuna didn't notice him.

He stared at the structure of the walls, before moving back to the frame of the clock. His eyes stayed on it, slowly moving clockwise with the clock's arms spinning right.

You would think by the amount of time he had spent examining the clock, he would know what time it was. But, as he stared at the arms slowly moving, counting each tick, he still has absolutely no idea what the time actually was, as his mind was filled with other thoughts.

It didn't take long for Slughorn to come into the classroom ten minutes late. No one seemed too panicked, it was a world record for Slughorn to arrive this early.

Instantly, Slughorn examined the room and smiled at Sirius.

"Mr. Black!" he greeted, making everyone's eyes turn to him. Sirius had a wooden toothpick dangling on the right side of his lips and his chair leaning back. He didn't move his position even after Slughorn called for him. He merely turned his head from the clock to him, before nodding his head slightly up.

"Can you run an errand for me?" the professor asked. Sirius slowly nodded as he shot up from his chair and walked up to the front of the classroom.

He seemed to float through the desks, before accidentally stumbling as he scooted in front of Nuna's. He kicked his own shin out of embarrassment before taking the small box of random papers and doctrines from Slughorn.

The chubby teacher gave him quick directions on where to go. Sirius even though knowing where every nook and cranny of the school, simply nodded at the teacher's instructions before heading off.

He never once complained about leaving class. He didn't even want to be there in the first place.

Out of nowhere, he began to attend a few of his classes more and more.

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