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Slughorn's classroom was always so lively

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Slughorn's classroom was always so lively. Whether you were failing the class or passing with straight O's, you loved the professor regardless.

Don't get him wrong; his class was one of the hardest classes you'll ever take (along with the exam), but on some occasions, all you did during the period was work in small groups and create simple and sometimes mundane potions.

Today was one of those days.

Slughorn split them up into groups of Slytherins and Gryffindors once more and handed out the ingredients to create an "Ice Potion," a potion that protects the drinker from fire.

Fate once again had a few tricks of her sleeve as Nuna ended up in a group with Sirius, along with James and Kie, of course.

Before Nuna could get a word in, Sirius was already talking. "I'll get the ingredients and you'll create the potion," he said, completely ignoring the other two. "Just like old times." He smiled and before anyone could add anything else he skipped his way to the ingredients shelf all the way across Slughorn's classroom.

Nuna scoffed. "Unbelievable," she huffed, not even attempting to hide her soft smirk from James or Kie.

Sirius soon came back with 3 bags of bursting mushrooms, 1 vial of salamander blood, and 2 small bags of wartcap powder. The mushrooms rumbled across the table as Nuna read the scroll filled with the instructions.

"I guess we'll just sit here and look pretty while these two try and attempt to not send sexual looks at one another," James whispered to Kie who nodded along.

"They'll fail but it'll be fun doing nothing but be proven right."

James smirked. "I like a cocky girl."

"Thanks," Kie smiled. "My boyfriend thinks so too."

James made a deflating noise before clumsily spinning around in the high chair as they watched Sirius and Nuna.

"Sirius, give me the blood and be careful," she stated carefully but sternly. Sirius slowly handed her the vial before retracting away from her, making her expression turned serious. He playfully rolled his eyes before actually handing it to her. She took the vial from his hands, holding one of them in the process. She quickly let go to focus on the potion.

"So handsie," Sirius remarked.

"Out of anyone, you should know that," she murmured under her breath so that he'd only hear. Mission accomplished since his face turned a bright shade of red. He loosened his collar as he let out the tumbling mushrooms.

They bounced and jumped around the table like a wild herd. He turned his head to see Rhyme and Peter chasing after some mushrooms that rolled off the table and began speeding away. He then caught one attempting to roll off his own table, forcing him to grab all the ones he could and slice through them with the butcher knife. They all stopped moving, making Sirius feel a little queasy.

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