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Nuna found herself almost passed out in the library

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Nuna found herself almost passed out in the library. She kept dropping her head before quickly bringing it back up. She had no clue what time it was but she didn't care. She didn't want to go back to her dorm. She had found out that she was sharing a dorm with four other Slytherin girls, one of them being Sage Addington. The girl made quite an impression on Nuna, and even though it would be best to make friends at this school, Sage was too energetic for her liking.

She, however, bonded with Mayes and Florian very quickly. They matched her energy more and they've personally told her they didn't like Sage either which put a smile on Nuna's face. Even though Nuna promised she wouldn't try with her studies, she couldn't help but enjoy the lessons. It was a break away from the boring life she used to live, so why not put her full effort into it?

It had been a week since her first day at Hogwarts, and she's already made very strong opinions about each class. Her easiest was Muggle Studies, for obvious reasons. She found Care of Magical Creatures her most interesting class and found DADA her least favorite. She didn't pay attention during the rest of her class as she was either being distracted by her new Slytherin companions, or she was being annoyed by the Marauders.

She made a promise to Regulus to not befriend his brother and his friends, but they made it very difficult. Sirius was always asking for her help, trying to hang out with her, and/or seeking her attention. Regulus noticed too and was secretly surprised as to why Nuna hadn't sliced his brother's head off. But, that offer isn't off the table just yet.

Nuna wanted to know why Sirius wanted her attention. He has literally every girl in the school pining over him but yet he always finds himself trying to strike up a conversation with the French transferee.

"Bernard?" a voice uttered behind her as they also nudged the girl's shoulder.

Speak of the devil.

"What do you want, Black?" Nuna mumbled. She ran her hand through her hair and yawned. Sirius pulled up a chair next to her and yawned as well.

"How'd you know it was me?" Sirius questioned. He faced the chair backward and sat down.

Nuna shrugged, "Don't answer my question with a question." Sirius innocently waved his hands in the air.

"Hey, you looked fast asleep and I wanted to make sure you don't pass out in the library while reading..." he carefully picked up the book Nuna's face was resting on, "Emma?"

Nuna snatched the book back before placing it down on the table. "Jane Austen novel. You don't seem like the type of person to read books so—"

"Like the author of Pride and Prejudice?" Sirius shared as he relaxed into his chair. Nuna rubbed her eyes before fixing her stare to land on the boy.

"You read sappy romance novels?" Nuna held in her laughter.

"Hey, I'm not as masculine and stupid as you think I am," Sirius remarked.

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