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"Say Si-ri-us," Sirius cooed to the toddler as Harry sat crisscrossed on his lap, looking at himself in the mirror hung across the two

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"Say Si-ri-us," Sirius cooed to the toddler as Harry sat crisscrossed on his lap, looking at himself in the mirror hung across the two. Nuna sat next to Sirius, her head lying in the nook of his shoulder. Little baby Harry squeezed the girl's pointer finger tightly, making happy noises whilst doing so. The baby grew obsessed over the millions of rings around each of Nuna's fingers and turned his utmost attention to them.

Sirius admired her with admiration. "You see that?" he asked. Nuna looked up to see he was nodding his head at the mirror. He smiled as he took in the full picture. "We should have one of these one day." He tickled the neck of Harry making him giggle. Nuna bit her lip with a smile.

"Yeah, we should." And Nuna truly meant it. The idea of having a kid and starting a normal life was something she promised to never do. She never wanted to bring a kid into the same world she had to grow up in. But with Sirius, it was different. They were different.

"I think my son likes you guys more than me," James commented as he laid on his couch, his legs propped up on Lily's thigh as she sat up. The married couple looked at the three of them on the floor with contentment. Remus was out on Order work while Peter was nowhere to be found.

"Have you guys packed the upstairs yet? 'Cause if not I'd be glad to help," Nuna offered, turning her head towards the two. Lily shook her head.

"No, we're all packed. We did a shit ton of work to get a place of our own just for us to have to leave it all and go to a new one," she sighed as James squeezed her hand. Sirius picked Harry up and placed him on top of James' chest.

"To be fair, if I was in control of all this, I'd make it that the prophecy was about someone else's son." Lily then proceeded to whack him on the head which made Harry chuckle.

"Wishing this life on another is bad omen," she commented before kissing him on the head.

"He's drunk, Lils," Sirius snorted. "He doesn't mean it."

"He better," the redhead huffed as she folded Harry's blanket before the infant snatched it and shook it vigorously. "Our little guy has abilities the world's never seen. Why shouldn't we be proud?" The tone in her voice didn't affirm her words. To be fair, Lily sounded like she meant the exact opposite of the words she spoke. Her leg was bouncing and her nails were short and uneven, indicating she had been biting them which was something she had never done since graduation.

Lily wasn't proud. She was scared.

She could care less if her son was the most powerful wizard in the world or if he was a squib. She just wanted him to be safe.

"He's just a boy," Nuna softly spoke to Sirius as Lily took Harry to breastfeed and while James slept soundly. "He's a baby."

"Yeah," Sirius said as he rubbed her back. She ran her hand through his hair, pulling it back to reveal his full face. "I can't imagine what they're going through."

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