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 POV Alexandra

What was going on? I could not understand what I was seeing.

She had them under her command? Hypnotized?

The moment I heard Lucas howl and her awful laugh, I had the urge to take her head off.

- Stay away from him. 

I heard my voice saying. I was in the middle of the room.

Adelaide blinked.

- And who are you to give me orders you filthy little creature?

She grimaced.

- Is that your way to treat your guests? 

I said ironically.

- How dare you question my manners you filth ...

- Little creature? You do not know any more words? I can help you if you ask nicely.

I said in a more sarcastic away. 

How dare she? I should not pissed her off but I could not control my jealousy. It was beyond me. I could have burnt her alive but I was afraid I would not be fast enough. I was still too far from Lucas and Cayden.

- Come here. I will make you pay, she commanded.

I moved closer. Her command was not working on me, but she did not have to know. I needed to go closer. Lucas command was not working on me either. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that I was an ancient creature?

- Leave her!!!!!

Lucas yelled at her. He was beyond angry. His eyes were black. Axel was fighting to take over.

- Oh. Look. Lucas actually care about someone else besides himself. I think we can give you a show. You will look at them and you will not be able to take your eyes away from them. 

She said smiling. 

– You two. (she pointed at me and Cayden) kiss. And I want to be a passionate kiss.

- I looked at Lucas. I saw hurt in his eyes. I whispered 'I am sorry' to him. 

She was not controlling me but I had a plan. I could not let her know she did not have control over me; not yet. I was hopping if we were out of here alive, Lucas would forgive me.

Cayden's touch made me face his. His eyes were empty. Out of every emotion. He did not understand what he was doing. I kept nagging my mind to explain why she was able to control him. He was an ancient creature as well. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt Cayden's lips on mine. I returned the kiss shyly. I was hating myself for what Lucas had to watch.

- I said passionate love birds. Let's give Lucas here a nice show shall we? A vampire needs to find ways to entertain herself, right? 

 Adelaide shook with laughter.

Cayden grabbed me from the waist and dragged me closer. He was about to deepen the kiss so I discretely turned his head to my neck.

- Mmm... (I tried to fake a moan).  You know I prefer girls. Would you like a taste? Or a bite? 

I lied seductively.

- Oh.. sure honey. Let's show to these fools what they are missing.

In fractions of seconds I felt a sharp pain on my neck and a scream, but it was not mine. It was Adelaide's scream.

- It burns. Make it stop. What did you to me?

She was yelling and touching her throat. Tears were gushing down her eyes. I was shocked. I was not expecting my plan to work.

When she collapsed at the floor, her control over Lucas and Cayden was disappeared. Cayden took a few steps closer to her but Lucas stopped him.

-No! he shouted. She is Dominic's daughter, he said putting his hand on Cayden's chest to preventing him from killing her.

Claps were suddenly echoed in the room. We turned our heads towards the source of the applause.

Here it was in front of us a male vampire. His face was pale, but his features were extremely attractive. What the hell with the royal family and I-could-be-a-model-appearance?

A creepy smile was attached to his face.

- I am impressed. Dad will be impressed, too. I presume. But pleased? Ts ts ts... Naughty girl.

He looked at me straight into the eyes. His voice was so melodic. I felt lighter and I had a weird need to touch him. I felt hypnotized.

I took a step towards him but Lucas managed to reach for my hand and just like that I felt like I had just received a bucket full of ice water.

- Oh, Lucas, you always have to spoil the fun! he said again but this time his voice was not as melodic as before. The sudden urge to touch him or kiss him was gone. 

– Take her, he gave an order and a low caste vampire appeared out of nowhere, grabbed his unconscious sister and vanished.

- Christopher! You are wasting our time. We have an appointment with your father.

He reminded him.

- Prince Christopher! You Know Lucas I am not my father's secretary and I am certainly not your fucking slave, he said in annoyance. But for your good luck, I am a gentleman and this beautiful lady must be hungry. 

He send a creepy smile towards me and a trembling spread all over my body. Lucas began rubbing the inside of my palm to calm me down.

- We appreciate your offer but the reason we are here is not to eat.

Cayden objected.

When I saw his aura changing by Cayden's word, I rushed to go in front of Cayden and..

- Thank you! (I said quickly). Thank you for your kind offer. We will dine with you if you wish to accompany us. If you and the king do us the honor to join us. 

I told him and put on my best charming smile.

His aura changed back to normal and I felt relieved. I would not let him harm Cayden. I would be obliged to fight the prince. I harmed his sister. I was on his black list.  If I had to harm him as well, I was certain we would not made out alive from this vampire hole.

He seems to buy my fake humble attitude, because he ordered someone to lead us to the dining room and inform his father that his guests were here.

- My lady! He took my hand on his and kissed the upper side.

His lips were cold. Thankfully Lucas never let my other hand. I felt the urge to rub the spot where Christopher kissed me with a glass paper. He let my hands. Then he looked at both men, shrugged and disappeared.

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