1. The underworld

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** Ajax & Trevor**

"I'm bored," Trevor says throwing fireballs at his older brother, aiming them directly at his stupid face and his crotch, both heads are way too big for their own good they need to be taken down a notch.

The fire dwindles and fizzles out before it even makes it to him. He lets out a string of colorful words under his breath, He fucking hates it when Ajax does that. Fuck him for being so poised and in control all the time, It makes him look bad and much weaker than he already is and it pisses the shit out of him.

He would pay good money to get him to drop his guard just once, it would also make him feel better about his shortcomings, but Ajax would never drop his ego to nurse his, tough love is all he knows to give.

He also gives no shits for anyone or anything, Trevor is convinced Ajax has no soul. Nothing hurts him, not even their screwed-up father who is Satan, the King of the underworld how messed up can you be?

He knows he's pushing his luck by irritating him, Ajax can snap at any moment and break his neck, but it's a risk he's willing to take. If he spends one more hour in this shit hole he swears he'll snap his own neck.

- Ajax rolls his eyes, not this again, he shifts his legs which were spread across his father's throne, and lazily props them up at the head of the chair, letting his head dangle loosely over the seat. He does it so casually it's like the most natural thing to do in the world.

"I'm thirsty I want to feed and fuck, first fuck then feed and then more fucking" Trevor's voice cuts through the silence, annoying Ajax to no end, he likes his peace and quiet and he likes being alone too, but guess one can never get that luxury in the underworld, you'd think he would because he's a prince, but tough fucking luck.

He throws his own fireball up in the air, even in his awkward position he's able to catch it on his index finger perfectly. He repeats the process throwing it up in the air catching it again but now on his middle finger, which he holds up to his brother's face.

He smirks when the little shit scowls at him.
He spins the ball around a couple of times switching it from his left middle finger to his right taunting him further, his smirk threatens to turn into a full-blown smile when Trevor's face turns scarlet in anger more so when none of the fireballs he's firing at him aimlessly hit him.

He huffs out a long exasperated breath, catching one of the balls Trevor just threw at him on his pinky before he speaks,

"You know bloody well we cannot go in the daylight little brother, it is forbidden, Father will have our heads"

"Father will be proud" Trevor's voice is loud and boisterous, so loud that it catches the attention of a few of their general staff moving around the throne room. They immediately stop what they're doing and hightail it out of there as if their asses are on fire.

Trevor is extremely reckless when he's pissed off and has a knack for "accidentally" killing staff and guards when he is having one of his episodes poor fuckers.

"We're the princes of the underworld we are meant to break the fucking rules, brother" Trevor spits out brother venomously, chunking a ball as big as his head at his brother, he gets more pissed when the ball vanishes before it even makes it to his stupid face, but that doesn't stop him from conjuring a new one.

Ajax likes babying him, even though he's only 3 years his senior. Most of the time he acts more like a father than their actual father does, he would appreciate it if only he didn't undermine him half of the time.

If his brother is not treating him like an incompetent child, he's judging him and belittling him, nothing he ever does is ever evil enough or good enough for the dark prince and it twistes him the wrong way all the fucking time. He would kill him if he could, but he could never, Ajax is too powerful.

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