8. Trevor

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There's something about the air tonight that reminds Trevor too bloody much of his home hell. 

Even with the thunder and lighting (that they don't get at all at Tartarus) providing a little bit of light in the night sky. Trevor can't help but feel a little apprehensive. Like something bad might just happen, a feeling he always gets in hell.

It must be the dark grey angry clouds that hang loosely on the sky completely blocking out the moon and the stars,  casting dark shadowy fog on the ground that him and his brother are currently tracking on. 

Or maybe it's the surprisingly hot humid air despite the weather, mixed with the over bearing smell of burning buildings and death.

Trevor is used to deaths smell, and the dark no problem not just metaphorically but in all senses and meanings possible.

Blackness has never really bothered him in fact he has learnt to embrace it. Make it his own . He wears it well and he knows it suits him perfectly.

He is the prince of the darkness after all.

The second prince of darkness , of course Ajax will always take the crown.

Ajax IS darkness, despair and blackness personified.

Doesn't mean that he likes it though. It doesn't mean he likes being in his shadows.

But Ajax likes keeping him in the dark, he locked him deep in there and threw away the keys.

Lately he doesn't even tell him anything, at least before he had the courtesy to spin some bullshit story to get him to do shit with him. Now he gets nothing, Ajax expects him to just follow behind him blindly like a headless chicken sans any explanation what so ever.

Like right now, who the fuck is this mortal girl? and what the hell is she doing with them?

Ajax has always been an enigma nobody can figure him out. nobody knows why he does the things he does.

I guess that it must be an appealing trait, the dark , brooding  don't look at me or I'll eat you alive aura he portrays, because all the lady's prefer him over himself , even though he shows little to no interest for the opposite sex.

 And the fact that Ajax is their fathers favorite son , fucked as the devil is in the head he has never hidden how much better he tolerates and favors Ajax over him.

Most of the times Ajax does and gets away with anything, mainly because he can.

But a human girl? that's stretching it even for him.

He watches the human girl with distaste as she walks barefoot on what used to be a road in front of them. Where the fuck are her shoes anyways?

Trevor has been curious as to why his brother has been acting so weird this past few weeks even more so today. Especially Today.

He looks at his brother who hasn't, not once taken his eyes off the human girl.

What's going on? why is Ajax going through to so much trouble for her? why is he so interested in her? And then it hits him, He almost stops walking instantaneously.

No fucking ways.

He laughs out loud at the absurdity of the situation.

Everything makes sense now. All of the events leading them here.

From Ajax loosing his cool and burning that stupid rug that their mother loves so much, that should have been his first sure sign, because his brother never looses his composure he should have known then.

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