Episode 7: Attack From the Deep

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Joey celebrates his two Star Chips, saying "I can't believe it happened, am I cool or what!" He boosted

Icarus just smiles, happy that Joey got his first win of the anime. Though he did have to beat her best friend but she'll look past it. Its Joey after all. He's a sweet guy so what can you do. Beat him in a children's trading card game.....there's a thought.

Téa on the other wonders and sighs mumbling to the others "is there a time limit on how long he gets to crow"

But Tristan just rolled his eyes and snickers "cut him some slack, did you ever believe Joey would actually beat Mai in a duel?"

Yugi just smiled softly "I knew Joey could do it, i'm proud of you Joey"

Then at that moment Joey's stomach starts to growl. Cheerfully he laughs and rubs his belly "Gezz all that dueling made me hungry! Hey? Did any of you guys bring any kind of food with you", but to poor Joey's starving tummy no one did. Well that was a half truth Icarus did have some food bars with her but that's pretty much, like hell she'll share. They were Kiba Corp. food bars.

"How will we get through the rest of the competition with nothing to eat?!" Joey wonders. Yugi nodded as he says "yeah dueling really takes it out of you, and I haven't seen any burger stands or restaurants since we got here"

Téa as she should, starts to freak out "We'd better do something fast-I got to have my five basic food groups!" Which was odd for Icarus to hear, who says that. No heat to tea really but have you ever heard someone say they needed their five basic food groups. Snickering to herself as she too felt her stomach growl which caused her to blush and rub her belly. "Huh what no i'm not hungry" she says embarrassingly while looking away.

Now both girls are hungry even if one is hiding food. Seto gave her those bars. Sighing Icarus turned to Tristan knowing he was gonna speak up about his 'survival' book.

Tristan smiled and said "Its cool guys I got it covered" but in fact all he's brought is an outdoor survival guide. Icarus tilting her head just let Tristan do his thing, no need for her to get in the way of his time to shine right. Sad he's the only smart one to bring something. Even if it was kinda useless.

Tristan smiled and read what was in the book "OK there is a list of all the roots and berries we can eat" To no one surprise, no one was impressed. Everyone had an indifferent look on their face, some with disgust and others with somewhat understanding . But then Joey starts to sniff the air like a dog, smelling something cooking "What that smell...smells good", Icarus smiles and walks over to joey.

"What is it joey, you smell something. What is it boy what is it" she says while placing hands on her knees. Like shes speaking to a dog.

"I don't know but i want it" and with that he takes off running. Icarus running after him with a smile on her face

"Hey Wheeler wait up, Don't leave me behind!!" Icarus yells out and runs after the blond. Not wanting him to get lost, or getting pressured into another duel. You can never leave him alone, just like a child, or a dog.

Téa looks at them and sighs "Ok, So Icarus is a babysitter and Joey's hallucinating" but Tristan laughs and reminds them "Icarus aside, i'm pretty sure it was Joey's brain that beat Mai, well it was his nose" They all follow Joey and Icarus.

"Oof looks like she's with a group, so much for us asking her to join our group" one hidden figure says as Xavier walks out of the shadows with an annoyed look on his face "yeah, i'm sure we'll see her again" he says and walks off with his friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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