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Riddhima's POV:

I took a deep breath and pulled out my suitcase from the cupboard. I started packing my clothes tensed. All this doesn't feel right, but I have to do this. Only Kabir knows what he had planned, and I can't let him hurt my family. 

Vansh: What is this Riddhima?

I looked up startled as I heard Vansh's voice and saw him looking at my suitcase tensed. Vansh should know all this. Its better to tell him everything. 

Riddhima: Kabir told me to pack my bags.

I told him and started putting  more clothes in the suitcase. I won't let Kabir win, not at any cost. This time Vansh is not alone. And Kabir's biggest mistake is that he's underestimating everyone. 

Vansh: And you're doing it?

I nodded in yes slightly and sat down on the bed after zipping up the suitcase. Even I don't want to do this, but this seems like the only way to keep Kabir away from our family. 

Riddhima: Mishra will be coming tomorrow as soon as Angre hand Siya to Kabir.

I told him and saw him looking at my suitcase tensed. I know he's worried about me, and not only me, he has to be worried about Siya too. 

Vansh: Just stay alert Riddhima. I am leaving Siya in your protection only. You will be with Kabir and Siya. Even though Mishra will be there but you need to stay alert. 

I nodded looking at Vansh determined. He's right. I have to stay alert. Kabir is insane, and I won't let him harm Siya. 

Riddhima: Nothing will happen to Siya. I promise.

I told him determined and he just moved towards the window. I could see how tensed he is. It hurts to see him like this, but we have no choice. These dirty games of Kabir have to end. I moved towards him and put my hand on his shoulder lightly. 

Riddhima: Vansh??

He turned around and I blinked my eyes at him reassuringly. Siya is my responsibility now. And Kabir will be cursing the day he decided to hurt Vansh. 

Riddhima: We'll be fine.

I said to him and smiled slightly as he grabbed both of my hands in his tightly. Even though he is not saying anything, I could feel his fear. 

Vansh: Kabir won't be able to snatch my happiness Riddhima, not this time.

I nodded in yes as  he he looked at me determined. He's right. Kabir won't be able to snatch anything or anyone away from Vansh this time. We both turned towards the door as we heard a knock and saw Siya standing at the door tensed. 

Vansh: Siya?? 

Vansh looked at her frowning slightly as she looked at him all worried. 

Siya: I am scared Bhai.

I shook my head as Vansh hugged Siya and gave me a look. We can't actually tell everything to Siya, but she would be in peace if she realize that she won't be alone. 

Riddhima: I'll be with you, so just relax.

I told her and Siya looked at me startled. I understand that she's shocked by the news. She has to be, she doesn't know that I was an accomplice of Kabir. 

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