Web of Lies

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Kabir's POV:

I looked around the whole beach looking at my watch again and again. I am getting fed up now. We are waiting here from last 15 minutes and still there is no sign of him. 

Mishra: Who are you waiting for Sir?

I rolled my eyes hearing Mishra's voice, again. This is the 5th time he is asking the same question from me. I could kill him any minute now. He is just irritating me that much.

Aangre: Kabir!!

I turned around startled as I heard the voice of the person I have been waiting for.

Mishra: Sir!! He is...

I looked at Mishra and saw him looking at Aangre in shock. Well, he has to be shocked. Who could even think that Vansh Rai Singhania's right hand person is under my control. 

Kabir: I know who he is Mishra. 

I told him and looked at Aangre curiously. I want to meet Siya as soon as possible, then only I could decide what to do next. What plan I could form to destroy Vansh.

Kabir: Any information?

I asked and saw Aangre looking at me tensed. 

Aangre: It's not easy Kabir. 

I rolled my eyes at him. I know it won't be easy for him. After all Vansh Rai Singhania is a closed book, no one could reach him or his secrets. But I won't stay quiet. 

Kabir: I know. I know it's not easy to deceive Vansh. But you have to do that.

I told him and he glared at me. I moved back slightly startled at his aggressiveness. He is just an employee and yet it feels as if he has control. As if he is more than just an employee. I shook my head realizing I am being too suspicious.  

Aangre: Do you even realize that if Boss got to know about this, then he will kill me?

I took a deep breath looking at his irritated face. Okay, I agree, he has a point here. But the thing is Vansh depends on Aangre for the investigation work, and I am sure he won't tell his Boss about himself. 

Kabir: Of course I do. But you do the investigation work for him, why would he not trust you?

I asked raising my eyebrows and he sighed moving away from me. 

Aangre: Boss is back and Siya is not allowed to leave the mansion.

He said and I looked at him startled. Damn it to hell!! He is back earlier than expected. I have to be more alert now. 

Kabir: Damn!!

I gritted my teeth feeling like killing someone right now. What would I do now? I want to talk to Siya, I have to meet her. 

Kabir: I want to meet her Angre, at any cost. Its too important.

I said looking at Aangre almost panicked but before Aangre could say anything we heard Mishra's voice. 

Mishra: Why?

I glared at him and he flinched back slightly. Mishra has no idea that Vansh is not just a criminal, he is my personal foe. 

Mishra: I mean, why are you so insistent on meeting her? Do you know her?

He asked and I took  a deep breath trying to calm myself. I can't do anything to Mishra, I still need him. I can't take any type of risks. 

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