The Last Duel

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Hello lovelies!! I am here with the second last chapter of this story. Enjoy!!


Riddhima's POV:

I took a deep breath as I continued walking behing Kabir's man. I just hope Kabir doesn't decide to see my face before wedding. I know that Kabir is planning for a real wedding too, and if they talked to a pandit then I am sure that he knows about the rituals. And according to ritual, groom can't see wife's face. 

Kabir: Why are you hiding your face Siya? And where's Riddhima??

I looked up and saw Kabir's face even though not clearly, but I could hear the agitation in his voice. 

Man: Let her be Kabir, actually I called a priest too for the traditional marriage, and he told us that you can't see your bride till the wedding.

I sighed finally relaxed as I heard Kabir's colleague. Looks like we could finally save Siya. And about this Kabir? He has no idea what's going to hit him. I just hope Siya would be able to contact Vansh. 

Kabir: Fine!! But where's Riddhima?

Kabir asked and I stiffened slightly. I just hope he doesn't send anybody to bring her out now. I know Vansh told me that everything is set and I don't need to worry about anything, but still I am scared for Siya. 

Guard: Sir!! She said that she's going to get ready too, so she'll take some time.

I looked at Kabir and saw him looking at his watch. I know he's getting late cause I deliberately took time to get ready. 

Kabir: Bring her to the registrar office, I am going with Siya.

He said grabbing my hand and pulled me with me while I clenched my fists feeling rage course through my veins. How dare he touch me!! Who does he think he is?? I was just going to pull my hand back when he stopped and left my hand himself.

I took a deep breath and flinched slightly as he pushed me inside the car. As soon as he sat on the back seat beside me the car started and I tried to clam myself closing my eyes. I have no idea what's going to happen next, but at least Siya would be fine. 

Kabir: I hope Riddhima told you about the danger your family is in.

I nodded my head in yes hearing Kabir's voice. I can't risk saying anything. If he managed to recognize my voice then everything will be spoiled. 

Kabir: Good decision Siya. I promise I will try to be the husband you deserve, and I won't harm your family anymore. 

He grabbed my hand in his and I tried not to react. Right now I feel like slapping this man beside me, but lives are at stake here and I can't behave impulsive. 

I snatched my hand back after sometime and turned away from him. I could handle the court wedding alright, but traditional wedding?? No way in hell!! I won't be marrying this man. I already have a husband. 

Where are you Vansh?? I closed my eyes tensed. 


Aangre's POV:

I moved upstairs dodging the guards Kabir put in the hotel and indicated Mishra to deal with them. I reached at the room Bhai told us and knocked on the door. We have to take Siya away from here before anyone could suspect us. 

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