Games of Destiny

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Here is another chapter of this story. Enjoy!!


Kabir's POV:

I looked towards the ship from my hiding place and saw Riddhima coming out of it. I moved more close to my car along with Mishra as Riddhima sat inside a taxi. Wait!! I told her to meet me here. Why is she sitting on a taxi?

Mishra: Something is not right Sir.

I heard Mishra's voice behind me and I nodded at him running towards my car. 

Kabir: Let's go!!

I shouted as soon as I sat on the passenger's seat and Mishra started driving the car. We moved behind the taxi in full speed and I frowned as the taxi took the wrong turn. This is not where Riddhima should be going. 

Kabir: Where is she going? This is not the way to her hostel.

I whispered to myself and looked down at my phone trying to call her. She is not replying to any message and she is not even picking up my calls. What could have happened?

Mishra: Sir!!

I looked at Mishra as soon as he stopped the car. Why did he stopped? He indicated towards something and I looked ahead only to sat still. I can't believe this. Why would Riddhima come here?

Kabir: VR Mansion? 

I frowned as I came out of the car and we both ran towards the back side of the mansion from where we could actually enter the mansion. I have been here before so I know how to come here. I saw Riddhima coming out of the taxi and she looked at the lady in front of her baffled. That means even she didn't know where she is.

Riddhima: I was going to my hostel. This is not where I want to come.

I heard Riddhima's almost panicked voice and I shook my head at her behavior. I told her that she has to be calm, she can't show her fear in front of these people.

D'souza: If Vansh Sir wants anything, then you have to do that without asking anything.

That lady said with a blank face and I smirked slightly as Riddhima moved inside the mansion with her. This is amazing. She entered VR Mansion without any relation to Vansh and this is really a big achievement for a simple girl like Riddhima. 

Mishra: Sir!! I think we should move Bhabhi away from here.

I looked at Mishra baffled at his suggestion. He wants me to stop all this, that too when I am getting closer to catching Vansh? No way!! I have a hunch that Riddhima could actually help me to finish Vansh once and for all. 

Kabir: Are you mad Mishra? She did what no one else could. She reached VR Mansion. 

I told him excited and he looked so tensed that I felt as if he is much more concerned about her than he should be.

Mishra: Sir!! You are putting her life in danger.

I glared at him as soon as he opened his mouth again. He doesn't need to take tension about Riddhima. I am here for her. 

Kabir: I am here to save her from that danger Mishra. Now let's go from here before anyone could see us.

I told him and moved towards the wall to jump out from the mansion boundary. I couldn't do anything by staying here. I should try to contact Riddhima as soon as possible. At least she is safe. 

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