Chapter 1: Bereavement

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Seven people came to her funeral,
Five friends, one nurse, and me, her grandson. She was such an amazing woman and only seven people show up to see her leave the world.

Grandma was the only family I really had, the only family I could even remember; my parents having died in a car accident when I was two.
With no other close family and being a minor, I had to go to some upstate 'child support center' which I wasn't too pleased about. As I looked behind me I saw Mrs Lawson, the social worker sent to drive me to the center. I had spoken to her earlier and she was nice enough, a little boring. It didn't change the fact I did not want to go to some sad orphanage in some empty rural town.

"Riley if you're ready we can get going?" Mrs Lawson said smiling with pity as she walked towards me"

I looked back to the freshly dug grave as it was being filled. I considered going back and doing the classic movie scene where I talk to the dead person but with the grave diggers right there and the rain that was picking up I thought it was best to just move on. Grandma was never one for big displays anyway, honestly she would rather have just been flushed down the toilet than buried. With a smile I nodded to Mrs Lawson and walked towards the car.


It was a foggy spring morning and some warriors had just got back from a scouting trip. The Beaver cove pack were the largest in Maine with about 600 members spread between Beaver cove and nearby Greenville but we were always on the look out; rural Maine with its low population and forests is prime werewolf country and lately some of the neighbouring packs are testing our strength. Despite this I felt unusually happy today, my wolf was ecstatic and I don't know why, the only thing my wolf normally cares about is my mate but at nearly 30 years old I'd given up hope of that happening. My mother however had not, every day I got her pestering me about why I don't go looking for her and how she needed grandkids from me.

"Hey Nick we found some more tracks near the north boundaries!" Jax (my beta) said to me. "The scent was weak from the rain but it looks like Allagash pack scouts again."

"Bastards, they've had enough chances I'm gonna bring it up at the next state council." I told Jax.

The Allagash pack were our closest rivals in size and our northern neighbours. Their alpha is a sadistic bastard but he's managed to gain the trust of several smaller packs. He wants my position as leader of the Maine council of packs but I'm damned if he's getting anywhere near it.

"One more thing Alpha. That human boy is moving into the Greenville orphanage today, he seems pretty harmless but I can check him out if you want?"

"No!" I growled out of nowhere, My wolf was howling at this news for some reason, wait it can't be my mate can it? No that's stupid, I'm not gay anyway, maybe I should check him out though.
"Sorry Jax it's just.... I'd rather do it myself." I apologized

"Right, well Diane says they'll be here from the funeral in about 2 hours. I'm gonna take the warriors on a training session so I'll talk later!" Jax patted my shoulder and jogged to the other warriors outside the pack house"

"Yeah I'll see you later man" Something was off about this new kid, I decided I would finish some paperwork then check this kid out.

End of chapter 1

Next update soon.....

His Alpha mate (mxb, bxb, gay)Where stories live. Discover now