Chapter 7: Indecision

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I woke up as usual around sunrise, I like to keep my bedroom drapes open so that I wake up to the view of the sun's rays glimmering on the lake. Today however, my eyes had an even better view to wake up to; Riley had his face buried into my chest, smiling blissfully. He had one hand clinging onto my bicep and the other was nestled into my thick chest hair. His sweet, sexy ass was sandwiched between my crotch and my two hands that were cupping his cheeks tightly. Oh yeh and his pussy was still filled with my cock, it had softened in the night but the sight amd feel of him was quickly giving me a semi so I decided to pull out now thinking his ass had enough punishment last night.

It was the best night of my life though, and soon he'll be carrying the first of many of our pups. I bet he'll make the perfect little housewife too; raising our pups and cooking nice meals and cakes, (I'd already stalked his social media so I know he loves to bake). And I'll be there to protect him and our pups from any danger.

Not wanting to get out of bed just yet, or leave Riley alone, I pulled his body even closer to my own and drifted off to sleep, dreaming of our future together, I was very happy I'd finally found my beautiful mate.


I woke up around 6 in the morning, without opening my eyes I tried to sit up but my movement was quickly impeded by the two large, muscular arms wrapped tightly around my naked torso and gripping onto my ass. The memories of last night came flooding back to me and my face instantly went beet-red. I looked up to see that Nick was sleeping but he was smiling and emitting a deep growl of contentment, I'm guessing at the fact he'd been so successful in abducting me.

I didn't know what to do, should I wake him? I really need to go pee but I can't face talking to him. All I could think about was everything he'd done to me last night, and how much I'd moaned and enjoyed it. That reminded of my ass. It feels very numb and painful but It seems his dick left my hole since I can currently feel his morning wood rubbing against my crack, making me blush again. He said he was gonna get me pregnant but maybe it was just like a fetish thing, surely he can't really get me pregnant, I mean that's ridiculous. But then so are werewolves. Jesus this is fucking crazy!

I also thought of my grandma, I felt very guilty for everything that I'd done on the day of her funeral, It hadn't exactly been the most respectful day. Everything had just happened so fast, maybe I should just run away this is all so ridiculous. Where will I go, I'm not sure I'll even be able to leave.

"Babe are you awake?" His raspy morning voice rumbled in his chest.

I gasped in fear and the embarrassment returned making me instinctively bury my head in his broad, hairy chest, why does he have to be so damn hot?

He chuckled and his hands started rubbing my hips as he bent down to kiss my head.

"You're so fucking cute baby. There's nothing to be embarrassed about, I love what we did, you're all mine now."

I didn't know what to say to his words, last night I admitted to being his, and part of me wanted to be, he made me feel things and he'd done so many things to me but I've known him less than 24 hours and he wants me to spend the rest of my life with him, belonging to him.

"I n-need to p-pee" I said quietly, my voice muffled by his chest.

"Who are you asking?" He said teasingly, his hands cupping my ass again. It makes me feel so weird saying it, he keeps making me say it for christ's sake.

"C-can I g-go to the bathroom please d-daddy?" I whispered in my high pitched voice.

"Of course you can baby, do you need daddy to carry you after last night?" He winked.

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