
261 10 56

tw// f slur, violence, blood, gore

» [george's pov] «

George looked at the man standing behind Dream.

No. Why does he have to be here?


"Who are you?" Dream asked, cocking his head.

George knew who it was, but he remained silent. He hoped that Techno wouldn't remember their past.

The pain.

He knew he hurt me.

He loved seeing me in pain.

Techno ignored Dream's question and asked his own.

"What are you two fags doing here?" He asked, with an evil grin.

"We aren't dating, you asshole." Dream said angrily.

"Okay, well, if you aren't dating, don't mind if I do this." Techno's grin grew wider.

George swallowed, knowing what was going to come.

Dream knew too.

Before Techno could blink an eye, there was a knife in his side.

Shock covers George's face.

Did Dream just stab Techno?

He watched Techno fall to the ground, his pink hair stretched out.

Dream pulled the knife out, and licked it clean.

"Dream, what the fuck did you do?"

Why is Techno still grinning?

"George, what do you think I did? Can't you tell?" Dream says, half-smiling.

A million thoughts were in his head, there were so many questions. But he knew he needed to leave. He glanced at Techno, the blood pooling around them. 

"Techno never dies." a cough escaped Techno's throat.

Fuck you, you pig. You got what you deserved.

Dream grabbed George and started to run.

But this is insane. I don't know, I don't think Dream needed to stab him..

His mind was all over the place, he felt sick, and he couldn't hold in one question.

"Why?" George squeaked.

"George, I can't explain right now. We need to leave, before the school finds out what happened to Techno." Dream replied.

They ran to Nick, and before asking, George grabbed him.

"Nick, you need to come with us, please." George sniffed.

I'm scared.., so scared...

I'm scared of Dream.

Would he kill me too?

On the picnic, when he was unloading the car, he wouldn't let me help at all.

"Dream, were you gonna kill me too?" George blurted.

Nick's eyes widened.

Nick was speechless, he was scared too now.

It started to rain.

The rain was calming.

It brought up thoughts, with every crash of the thunder.

They eventually flooded away, drop by drop.

They ran, all the way to Dream's house.

"Dream, why did you stab Techno?"

"He was going to hurt you, I can't stand to see you in pain. No one should be allowed to hurt you." Dream murmured.

"Alright, bitches. You've got some explaining." Nick fumed.

George explained the story in the best detail he could.

Nick seemed satisfied with George's explanation.

"Clay-" Nick began.

"Shut up." Dream interrupted quietly.

"You don't understand," Dream went on, "you won't understand. I love George."

Is this real?

This has to be a dream.

You'll wake up, any second now. He reassured himself.

But he didn't wake up.

"Dream, I love you too." George mumbled.

sorry for another short chapter!! thank you for 85 views :D

515 words

just one peek (dreamnotfound + sapkarl)Where stories live. Discover now