Cub \\ c.h

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[dedicated to arcticpeters for the cover and horizonharry as well for both being a few of my favorite people, i love them honestly like sisters and idk where'd i be without them. enjoy x]

Calum Hood was eighteen years old.

Two years less than twenty,

twelve years less than thirty,

and nineteen years younger than Alice Huchinson.

Alice Huchinson had two kids.

She had a husband, who was either fucking his secretary or on a plane to god knows fucking where.

She drove a minivan,

had a white pickett fence,

and possibly a schoolgirl crush on the boy next door,

Calum Hood.

She didn't plan for it to go this far.

It started out just a little wink here and there,

a bend over to give him the perfect view of her ass that she did pilates fifteen hours a week to keep tight.

She just wanted attention.

She wanted to feel young again.

She didn't expect for him to want her,

lust after her,

love her.

She also didn't expect to find him,

a boy,

to be more of a man than her husband had ever been.



im such a story whore jfc any who

shits gonna be getting realllllll kinky yall

so yeah in simplest terms:

calum- cub
alice- cougar

vote, comment, share, and all that jazz

-ali xx

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