1 : pleasured meetings

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"Richard, darling-"

"God damn it, Alice! Can't you see I'm working?", her husband's rough voice came with heavy footsteps. Richard's aging face was tense with annoyance as he emerged from his study,a rarity considering he hardly ever left the secluded office and his vintage scotch behind unless to eat, sleep, or tee off at the country club. "What do you need? Money for shopping, or-"

Biting back a frown, cherry lips forced a smile as Alice looked up from her beloved recipe book. She tried to put up a façade, one where she wasn't hurt by his insinuation for that all she desired was material things and not just his attention for a moment's time. "I was just wondering what you wanted for dinner, love."

A roll of eyes and sigh leaving her greying husband's  pursed lips, his condesending glance was enough to bury a deep lump in her throat. "Do I have to remind you of everything? For fucks sake, it's the fourth." Eyebrows stitched together in confusion as she grazed over the calender on the fridge tentively, only for Richard's patience to run thin within seconds. "My god, be grateful for your looks. We have the Morello banquet tonight at six, have the children and yourself dressed on time for once."

Turning on his heels, he left without another word and the stingful sneer hanging in the air. Running her fingers through and tousseling the blond curls she spent a half an hour to perfect  this morning, the beautiful woman did it in sheer spite of herself. Self-loathing insults directed toward her own weakness and stupidity fell out unconsciously as she placed the book back on a shelf, only for the back door to swing open and the contents of the perched landing to go tumbling to the floor. "Damn it-,"

Bending over waist to retrieve the scattered items, the voice of her oldest son expectantly rang out. He had inherited his clumsiness from her, that's for sure. "Oh fuck, sorry mum!"

"Language Lucas," Alice breathed out in defeat, she tried so hard to instill good manners in her boy and for the most part these teachings took, but his colorful vocabulary seemed to be a lost cause. Muttering a quiet apology, the tall blond boy proceeded to elbow his friends in their sides for checking out his mother's ass unapologetically. The reprimanding left each of them red in the cheeks and flustered when Alice came to face them. A knowing smile settling onto ruby painted lips, she heaved the multitude of books onto the kitchen counter and brushed off the imaginary dust from her pencil skirt. Finally meeting eyes with the three young men, she could tell by jersey shorts and ball in hand that they were just coming in from a pickup game on the driveway. Sarcastically aghast, she pressed her hand to Luke's forehead jokingly, "My son exercising? Going outside? Having friends? Luke, honey, are you okay?"

Chuckles earned from the boys and an eye roll betrayed by the slight smile on his lips, her son already started for the door, mostly out of fear that he would have to listen to more of his friends call his birth-giver the "m" word. "Yeah, yeah, I'm your vampire son Lucifer, yadadada. Guys my mom, mom my friends. Now let's-"

"Now don't be rude, Lucas. Ashton Irwin, Mrs. Hemmings, at your service.", a devilish smirk spread across the curly haired boys lips.

Stiffening up at what was coming next, Luke braced himself for impact. "Oh please Ashton, Mrs. Hemmings is my mother-in-law," the next three words seemingly coming out in slow motion. "call me Alice."

The dimpled boy flicking his tongue across his bottom lip, Luke had a fistful of his shirt before he could "introduce himself" further. "I was just being polite!" Ashton whined only to grumble profanities under his breath as he got a slap to the back of the head.

"Well it's appreciated, but maybe a tad less cheeky yeah?", she chuckled, eyes crinkling in the corners in amusement.

"Can't make any promises, Al-"

"Get your ass to my room before I make sure you'll never walk again.", Luke groaned as a light shove sent the shaggy haired boy towards the stairs, shooting  imaginary daggers in his friend's back.

Turning her attention away from the back and forth teasing between Luke and Ashton, Michael  decided to shoot his shot by chattering with Alice about his mom's bakery in town, giving him the opportunity to mentally motorboat her tits. "Michael get your ass up here!"

Briefly weighing the pros and cons of further eyeing Alice's cleavage or possible castoration if he didn't get up to Luke's room soon, the blue haired adolecent bid a sheepish smile and awkwardly said 'bye', only to peek around the wall with sudden confidence. "Stay line, Mrs. H."

Heat rising in her cheeks and a chuckle falling from lips, Alice made her way to the foyer to fetch her to do list, only for the door bell to echo through the large home. "Woman, get the door!"

With a sigh and faltered grin, the woman's sundress flowed with her hastily as she opened the door, only to be greeted with one very unfamiliar- but admittingly handsome, young man. Not that she feigned interest in him, but the way the light caught his skin and raven hair spoke for itself. "Are you here for Luke, love?"

"Yes, actually. I'm Calum, Calum Hood.", a genuine smile spread across full lips and as she turned to call for her son. It was damn obvious his eyes laid on her, they didn't leave or fail to wander up and down Mrs. Hutchinson's stellar figure.

"Luke, honey, it's your friend Calum!", giving a warm smile, she opened the door slightly wider as a signal to come in. "I'm Luke's mother, Alice."

"Well Alice, it's a pleasure to meet you.", his voice deep and wavering a tad, he nervously scratched the back of his neck, only to catch the housewife by surprise when gentley tucking a loose curl behind ear. His finger tips leaving unseen imprints on her skin, blazing like- like how she used to feel many years ago. Hearts racing and cheeks dusting rose, with a step back her throat cleared but he stayed put. The forgotten reason why he came here, his friend Luke, called out the brown eyed boy's name. "I better get up there."

A ghost of a smile forming at his boyish charm, she nodded him on. "I guess you should. Tell Luke to be mindful of the dinner party we have at six." Replying a sincere 'of course', the younger man discarded his black vans at the door. He made it halfway up the staircase, only for the honey sweet voice to sound over his shoulder and stop him in his tracks. "It was a pleasure to meet you too, Calum."

The flirty wink that she gave almost made him tight in his pants.

A smirk on his lips but a fix of regret and attraction in her mind, with that his foot steps carried up the stairs left Alice to wonder.

What the hell was she getting herself into?


hiiiii lovelies it's ali here and it's my pleasure to say i'll be updating cub weekly from now on!

it's been amazing what response this book has gotten i mean 2K READS ON THE PREVIEW IM

anyways i'm curious guys, who do you see as alice? leave it in the comments babes :)

comment, vote, share, and all that jazz!

ily all to bits

-ali xx

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