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20h20 at the dinner table

TV running in the background,

Dad yawning at the informations,

Mom avoiding any discussion.

20h20, watching them die,

Red sparkles in your eyes,

From far away you witness

With disbelief and helplessness

Our whole world collapses.

Tear drop in the soup, on a sunday night,

Wasn't able to go out this weekend,

'Cause Michael's parents "were too black".

Looking at your brother with this melancolic sight,

Parents screaming at Mary upstairs,

"You can't like girls darling" they declare.

Will you ever forget this 20h20,

When we were young,

But feeling so old,

When we stood up straight

Fearless, facing the dark and heavy evening,

Sitting on the beach, manifesting in the streets.

Can you hear the sound of silence

As everyone's waiting for 20h21,

Holding your breath as the sun dusks,

Isn't it too much for only 60 seconds?

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